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Online Tracker Help

Goal 1: Using the Online Tracker

The Online Tracker is a secure online database where you can record your learning progress in The Family History Guide. It requires a free account and login.

Goal 1: Create an Online Tracker account and update your learning progress.


A Create an account and log in.

  1. In the Tracker menu, select Online Tracker.

  2. If you have an Online Tracker account, type your username and password and click Login; then skip to Choice B below. If you do not have an account, click the Register link.

  3. Fill in the fields—username, email address, password, and retype password—and click Register. A "Registration Successful" message appears; click the message to dismiss it.
  4. In the Login screen, type your username or email, and then your password.
  5. Click Login.
  6. To log out of the Online Tracker, click the Logout button (upper right).

B Add and change information.

  1. In the Online Project Tracker screen, click a Project or Country link.
  2. In the Tracker page, find a Choice in the list that you've been working on in The Family History Guide.
  3. In the Notes box, type notes about what you have learned.

  4. To change your skill or learning level for the Choice, move the slider bar. The options are Not Started, Started, Good, and Proficient. For information about the Good and Proficient levels, go to the Project and Choice and click the Exercises link.
  5. If you have Java installed on your device, your changes are saved to the database as soon as you record them. To see the results of your changes, including the Date of update, move to another screen in the Online Tracker and return to the one with your changes.
  6. If you do not have Java installed, click the Save Project button at the end of the page to save changes.

C Navigation

  1. To return to the Login page, click My Account (green menu bar).
  2. To return to the main Tracker page, click Tracker Home.

D Managing Your Account

    To reset your password for the Online Tracker,

  1. In the Login page, click the "Reset it" link (next to "Forgot your password?").
  2. In the Reset Password screen, type your email address and click Send Recovery Email. You will receive an email with the instructions to follow for the password reset.