1: Research   2: Census Records   3: Military Records   4: Emigration and Immigration   5: Maps and Gazetteers   6: Newspapers   7: Geo/Culture/History   8: Get Help     Goals 1-2, 4-5, 9    (Spanish)             Tracker     KB-Intl.    Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF


Goal 1: Research


Partners and Sites:   FamilySearch   Ancestry   MyHeritage  |  Websites:   FS Wiki   GenealogyLinks

Goal 1: Learn about Colombia research and records.


ALearn about Colombia research.

  1. Archives & Libraries: Learn about Colombia archives and libraries in this FamilySearch Wiki article.

    FS—Wiki: Colombia Archives and Libraries

  2. Explore archive resources on the Guia Genealogica site.
  3. Explore online Colombian research resources for libraries and archives.
  4. Record Finder: Use the Record Finder to evaluate record sources for research.

    FS—Wiki: Colombia Record Finder

  5. Forebears.io: Explore the Forebears.io site for research records.

    Language and Help
  1. Word List: Use this Spanish Genealogical Word List for research.
  2. Surnames: Search the Geneanet site for Colombian surnames.
  3. Correspondence: Use this guide for corresponding with Colombian organizations about genealogy resources.

    FS—Spanish Letter-Writing Guide

  4. Old Documents: Explore the Spanish Paleography Tool site for help with reading older documents.
  5. Search for free online books on Colombia research on the FamilySearch site.
