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Goal 1: Research and Records

Goal 1: Learn about Luxembourg research.


ALearn about research in Luxembourg.

  1. Learn about doing research in Luxembourg.

    FS—Luxembourg Genealogy

  2. Watch this video to go into more depth with your research.

    FS: Beginning Research in Luxembourg (52:49) - 2017

  3. Here are some practical tips for your Luxembourg research.

    Luxembourg Genealogy Resources & Tips

BUse additional resources for your Luxembourg research.

  1. Learn about sites and resources for your research.

    Luxembourg Genealogy Resources

  2. Explore Luxembourg parish and civil records from 1600-1890 on the St. Thomas library site.
  3. Explore Geneanet Search for Luxembourg names and records.
  4. Explore the Forebears.io site for additional resources.
  5. Explore online newspapers on the Newspaper Index site.
  6. Get help with your Luxembourg genealogy on the Luxembourg-USA Genealogy Facebook page.

Maps and Places
  1. Explore the David Rumsey Maps site for Luxembourg historical maps.
  2. Explore maps from the 1900 Collection.
  3. Find Luxembourg Diocese locations in the Data Matricula Online site.
  4. Explore FamilySearch Places to learn about place names in Luxembourg.
  5. Explore communes in Luxembourg on the Wikipedia site.
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