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Goal for Eastern Europe

Goal 1: Learn about Moldova research and records.


AGet started with Moldova research.

  1. FamilySearch: Learn about Moldova research in this FamilySearch Wiki article.

    FS—Wiki: Moldova Genealogy

  2. Records: Learn about Moldova civil registration in this FamilySearch Wiki article.

    FS—Wiki: Moldova Civil Registration

  3. Learn about Moldova church records in this FamilySearch Wiki article.

    FS—Wiki: Moldova Church Records

  4. Learn about Moldova military records in this FamilySearch Wiki article.

    FS—Wiki: Moldova Military Records

  1. Explore the FamilySearch community for Moldova (Russian Empire) research.
  2. Visit the Eastern European Research Facebook page for FamilySearch.
  3. Get help at a FamilySearch center in Moldova.

BExplore additional resources for research.

  1. Sites: Search the Find A Grave site for cemetery records.
  2. Search the BillionGraves site for cemetery records.
  3. Explore resources for research on the site.
  4. Surnames: Search the Geneanet site for Moldovan surnames.
  5. Explore the JewishGen Romania Database for Jewish records in Romania and Moldova.

CExplore Moldova map resources.

  1. Explore the Perry-Castaneda site for maps of Moldova.
  2. Explore the David Rumsey collection of Moldova maps.
  3. Explore the Old Maps Online site for Moldova maps.
  4. Explore the Atlas of Moldova on the Wikipedia site.
  5. Explore the Old Maps of Moldova on the Wikipedia site.
  6. Explore FamilySearch Places to learn about place names in Moldova.
  7. Explore cities and towns in Moldova on the Wikipedia site.

DLearn about Moldova newspapers.

  1. Search Moldova newspapers in the site.
  2. Search Moldova newspapers in the site.
  3. Search Moldova newspapers in the ABYZ News Links site.