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Goal 1: Research and Records


Partners and Sites:   FamilySearch   Ancestry   MyHeritage  |  Websites:   FS Wiki   GenealogyLinks

Switzerland Cantons

Goal 1: Learn the basics of Swiss research.Vault



AGet started with Swiss research.

  1. Get Started: Get started with Switzerland genealogy.

    FS—Wiki: Switzerland Genealogy
    RT—Finding Your Swiss Ancestor: How to Get Started—15:29 - 2022

  2. Get an overview of Swiss family history on the Archives.com site.

    AR—Swiss Family History

  3. Watch the video or read the associated PDFs for information on Swiss research basics.

    FS—Introduction to Swiss Research—65:34 - 2016

  4. Strategies: Watch this video to learn about Swiss research strategies.

    FS—Switzerland Research Strategies—59:42 - 2016

  1. Learn to find Swiss records online.

    FS—Switzerland Records Online—54:27 - 2016
    RT—The Alps in Digital: Swiss Records Online—22:06 - 2021

  2. Courts: Learn about Swiss court records for research.

    RT—Swiss Court Records—60:33 - 2021

  3. Record Finder: Use the Switzerland Record Finder to understand record types for research.

    FS—Wiki: Switzerland Record Finder


BExplore Swiss names and places.

  1. Word List: Use this Swiss-German genealogy word list.

    FS—Swiss Genealogical Word List—6 pgs. - 2015

  2. Surnames: Learn about the Register of Swiss Surnames.

    FS—Register of Swiss Surnames—5 pgs. - 2015

  3. Learn about Swiss names and places.

    FS—Swiss Names and Places—58:02 - 2016

  4. Search the Geneanet site for Swiss surnames.
  5. Explore Switzerland surnames in the Register of Swiss Surnames.

CExplore resources for Swiss research.

  1. FamilySearch: Learn about Swiss-German resources in this article.

    FS—Swiss-German Research Helps—3 pgs. - 2015

  2. Genealogies: Learn about Swiss compiled genealogies.

    FS—Switzerland Compiled Genealogies—49:27 - 2016
    Individual Swiss Genealogy Pages

  3. Sites: Explore the Forebears.io site for research records.
  4. Explore the Archives Portal Europe site. Click the Directories link and then select Switzerland.
  5. Find additional resources on the Swiss Center of North America site.
  6. Search for free online books on Switzerland research on the FamilySearch site.
  7. Books We Own: Explore the Books We Own site for books that can be checked out or researched for you by others.
