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Goal 1: Research


Partners and Sites:   FamilySearch   Ancestry   MyHeritage  |  Websites:   FS Wiki   GenealogyLinks

Hungary Counties

Goal 1: Learn about Hungarian research.


ALearn about Hungarian genealogy.

  1. Basics: Learn the basics of Hungarian research in these articles.

    FS—Wiki: Hungary Research
    Research in Slovakia and former Austria-Hungary

  2. Learn more about tracing Hungarian lines.

    PR—Researching the Hungarian Family Lines
    FS—How to Trace Hungarian Ancestors

  3. Tips: Learn tips and strategies for Hungarian research.

    FS—Wiki: Research in Greater Hungary
    What can I do if my ancestors came from Hungary?—57:18 - 2024

  4. Town of Origin: Learn how to find the town of origin for your Hungarian ancestor.

    FS—Wiki: Hungary Finding Town of Origin

  5. Correspondence: Use this guide for corresponding with Hungarian organizations about genealogy resources.

    FS—Hungary Letter Writing Guide

  6. Records
  7. Record Finder: Use the Hungary Record Finder to understand record types for research.

    FS—Hungary Record Finder

  8. Military: Learn about Austro-Hungarian military records in this article.

    Austro-Hungarian Army Records - 2018


BExplore additional resources for research.

  1. Explore the Genealogy Research in Hungary site.
  2. Explore the Guide to Researching Hungarian Ancestors site.
  3. Explore the Forum and Web Archive of Hungarian Genealogy site.
  4. Explore resources available on the FEEFHS site.

CLearn about Hungarian names and genealogy terms.

  1. Learn about Hungarian personal names in this FamilySearch Wiki article. For more information, follow the links at the bottom of the article.

    FS—Wiki: Hungary Personal Names

  2. Review the Hungary Genealogical Word List.

    FS—Wiki: Hungary Genealogical Word List

  3. Explore Hungarian surname distribution on the Forebears.io site.
  4. Explore Hungarian surname lists on the Genealogy.hu site.
  5. Search the Geneanet site for Hungarian surnames.