1: Research   2: Archives and Libraries   3: Civil Registration   4: Emigration and Immigration   5: Military Records   6: Probate, Land, and Property Records   7: Maps and Gazetteers   8: Newspapers   9: Church and Cemetery   10: Geo/Culture/History   11: Get Help               Tracker     KB-Intl.    Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

New Zealand

Goal 1: Research

Partners and Sites:   FamilySearch   Ancestry   MyHeritage  |  Websites:   FS Wiki   GenealogyLinks

New Zealand Provinces

Goal 1: Learn about New Zealand research and records.



AGet started with New Zealand research.

  1. FamilySearch: Visit this FamilySearch Wiki page for an overview of New Zealand research and useful links.

    FS—Wiki: New Zealand Genealogy

  2. Get Started: Read this guide for getting started with New Zealand family history.

    Getting Started with Family History Research

  3. Get an introduction to New Zealand genealogy in the Wellington City Libraries site.
  4. Resources: Watch these videos for ideas on finding resources for your research.

    New Zealand Sources—8:33 - 2019

    BYU—Discovering Your New Zealand Ancestors—37:21 - 2021

  5. Explore New Zealand research topics on the Heritage et AL blog site.
  6. Record Finder: Use the FamilySearch Record Finder learn about types of New Zealand records.

    FS—Wiki: Record Finder



  1. Explore the Forebears.io site for research records.
  2. Surnames: Search the Geneanet site for New Zealand surnames.