1: Research    2: Civil Reg.   3: Immigration and Convicts   4: Cemeteries, Church   5: Military Records   6: Probate Records   7: Maps and Gazetteers   8: Newspapers   9: Culture/History   10: Get Help     Goal 1  |  Goals 2-3  |  Goals 6-8             Tracker     KB-Intl.    Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF


Goal 1: Research and Records


[ New South Wales   Queensland   South Australia   Tasmania   Victoria   Western Australia]

Partners:  FamilySearch   Ancestry   Findmypast   MyHeritage   |  Websites:   FS Wiki      GenealogyLinks

Goal 1: Learn about Australia research and records.Vault



AGet familiar with Australian research.

  1. Get Started: Learn about Australian research in this FamilySearch Wiki article.

    FS—Wiki: Australia Research

  2. Here are a few guides to getting started with Australian research.

    LT—Getting Started With Australian Genealogy: What You Need To Know
    LT—The Basics of Australian Research

  3. This video outlines Australian family history for beginners.

    Family History for Beginners Learning Webinar—58:35 - 2020

  4. Resources: Watch this video for ideas on finding resources for your research.

    BYU—Discovering Your Ancestors in Australia—49:13 - 2021

  5. Learn about researching Australian indigenous ancestors.

    AF—Indigenous Australian Genealogy: Challenges and Resources
    LT—Australian Aboriginal Genealogy

  6. Explore the CoraWeb site for research resources.
  7. Explore the MyAncestors site for Australian genealogy resources.
  8. Books We Own: Explore the Books We Own site for books that can be checked out or researched for you by others.



  1. Record Finder: Use the Australian Record Finder for research opportunities.

    FS—Wiki: Australia Record Finder

  2. Sites: Explore the Forebears.io site for research records. 
  3. Learn how to find Australian records in this Ancestry article.

    AC—Finding Records in Australia

  4. Oral History: Here's an introduction to Australian oral history from the National Library of Australia.

    Introduction to Oral History—37:46 - 2023

  5. Photos: Learn how to find and date Australian photographs for your family history.

    Finding and Dating Photographs Webinar 2020—58:51 - 2020

  6. Learn about important online resources for Australian research.

    RT—Australian Genealogy Online—18:57 - 2025

    RT—Lost relative? Brick wall? Are Australian records the solution?—57:46 - 2025

BLearn about research in libraries and archives.

  1. Learn about archives and libraries in Australia.

    FS—Wiki: Australia Archives and Libraries
    RT—Digging Deeper into Australian Archives—23:10 - 2021

  2. Read this guide to Australian archives.

    LT—Legacy Tree Onsite: A Genealogist's Guide to Australian Archives

  3. Explore the Society of Australian Genealogists site for archive records.
    RT—Resources in the Archives of the Society of Australian Genealogists—60:19 - 2024

  4. National Archives: Explore the National Archives of Australia site for a wide variety of genealogy resources.
  5. National Library: Explore the National Library of Australia site.
  6. Learn about resources in Trove Australia.

    RT—Trove Australia for Family History—34:27 - 2024

  7. Directories, etc.: Learn about directories, almanacs, and gazetteers for Australian research.

    SLQ—Directories, Almanacs, and Gazetteers - 2019

  8. Surnames: Learn about Australian surnames for research.

    MH Wiki—Australian Surnames

  9. Search the Geneanet site for Australian surnames.
