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Goal 1 for Pacific Islands


Goal 1: Learn about Tongan research and records.


ALearn about Tonga research.

  1. Get Started: Read these articles to learn about getting started with research in Tonga.

    FS—Wiki: Tonga Customs and Research Ideas
    Taking a Look at Tongan Genealogy - 2016

  2. Pacific Islands: Learn about doing research in the Pacific Islands.

    FS—Wiki: Pacific Island Guide to Research

  3. Oral Traditions: Learn how oral traditions can help you find research clues.

    FS—Wiki: Tonga Oral Family History
    FS—Wiki: Register of Tongan Oral Histories


BExplore additional resources for research.

  1. Forebears.io: Explore the Forebears.io site for research records.
  2. Find A Grave: Search the Find A Grave site for cemetery records.
  3. BillionGraves: Search the BillionGraves site for cemetery records.
  4. Facebook: Visit the Asia, Africa, Pacific Genealogy Research Community on Facebook.
  5. Jewish: Explore the Jewish Genealogy Encyclopedia for Jewish resources in Tonga.
  6. Surnames: Search the Geneanet site for Tongan surnames.
  7. Help: Get help at a FamilySearch center in Tonga.
  8. Get personalized help from a research volunteer at the Family History Library.
  9. Request scans or indexes from catalog records available at the Family History Library.

CExplore Tonga map resources.

  1. Explore the Perry-Castaneda site for maps of Tonga.
  2. Explore the David Rumsey collection of Tonga maps.
  3. Explore the Old Maps Online site for Tonga maps.
  4. Explore the Atlas of Tonga on the Wikipedia site.
  5. Explore the Old Maps of Tonga on the Wikipedia site.
  6. Explore FamilySearch Places to learn about place names in Tonga.
  7. Explore a directory of Tonga cities, towns, and regions in the Falling Rain site.

DLearn about Tonga newspapers.

  1. Search Tonga newspapers in the onlinenewspapers.com site.
  2. Search Tonga in the world-newspapers.com site.
  3. Search Tonga newspapers in the ABYZ News Links site.