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African American

Goal 1: Get Started

Goal 1: Get started with African American research. Vault


ALearn the basics of African American research.

  1. FamilySearch: Here is an overview of African American genealogy on FamilySearch.

    FS—African American Genealogy   

  2. Introduction: Get an introduction to research.

    AC—Resources for African American Genealogy—34:12 - 2013

    FS—Beginning African American Research—6 pgs.

  3. Learn about the building blocks of African American genealogy.

    GC—Building Blocks of African American Genealogy

  4. Get Started: Explore these resources to get started with your African American genealogy.

    Enoch Pratt Library
    FS—Getting Started with African American Research—26:43 - 2018

  5. Steps: Get an overview of the steps to follow in your research.

    TH—African American Family History, Step by Step - 2019

  6. Elements: Learn about four important elements of African American research.

    LT—4 Important Elements for African American Genealogy Research


BUse effective tips and techniques in African American research.

  1. Tips: Watch this video for some quick tips on research.

    AC—Quick Tips—14:00 - 2012

  2. Learn more about researching African American ancestry.

    AC—Tips for Finding African American Ancestry
    AAC—Threading the Needle—11:52 (account required)

  3. Here are tips for researching African American genealogy, including a free eBook download.

    FTM—6 Keys to Success

  4. Oral Histories: Learn about the value of oral histories in tracing African American familes.

    AAC—Threads that Bind—9:47

  5. Record Issues: Watch these videos to learn about issues with records.

    AAC—Missed Threads—5:27
    AAC—Missed Threads: Name Changes—11:01

  6. Misconceptions: Learn how to avoid common misconceptions about African American research in this video.

    5 Lies about African American Genealogy—5:42 - 2017

  1. Learn about the fabric of African American society in these videos.

    AAC—The Fabric of Society—12:53
    AAC—The Fabric of Society: Social Histories—6:25

  2. Surnames: Get an overview of African American surnames on the MyHeritage Wiki.

    MH Wiki—African American Surnames

  3. Sites: Get an overview of African American family history on the Archives.com site.

    AR—African American Family History

  4. Visit the African American home page on the Ancestry site.
  5. Explore the Black Genealogy page on the AccessGenealogy.com site.