1: Research   2: Archives and Libraries   3: Civil Registration   4: Church and Cemetery Records   5: Emigration and Immigration   6: Military Records   7: Maps and Gazetteers   8: Newspapers   9: Geo/Culture/History   10: Get Help               Tracker     KB-Intl.    Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF


Goal 1: Research


Partners and Sites:   FamilySearch   Ancestry   MyHeritage  |  Websites:   FS Wiki   GenealogyLinks

Italy Regions

Goal 1: Expand your research in Italy.Vault



AGet started with Italian research.

  1. Basics: Learn the basics of researching Italian ancestors.

    AC—Beginning Italian Family Research—31:00 - 2013

    FS—Italian Research (3 pgs.) - 2009

  2. Get an overview of Italian genealogy in this article and video.

    Introduction to Italian Genealogy - 2015
    AAC—Finding Your Italian Roots—Video Series

  3. Discover your Italian-American heritage in this FamilySearch blog article.

    FS—3 Simple Ways to Discover Your Italian Heritage - 2016

  4. Start your search for Italian ancestors.

    AC—Starting Your Search For Italian Ancestors - 2011
    GTV—Get Started with Your Italian Family History Research—22:20 - 2018

  5. Here are four keys to success as you do your Italian genealogy.

    FTA—4 Keys to Italian Genealogy - 2023

  6. Record Finder: Use the Italy Record Finder to understand record types for research.

    FS—Wiki: Italy Record Finder

  1. Read the Italy Research Guide for ancestor research tips.

    FS—Italy Research Guide - 2018

  2. Get some basic tips for Italian genealogy in these Ancestry videos.

    AC—Top Tips for Beginning Italian Family Research—31:24 - 2013

    AAC—Tips and Strategies—7:00

  3. Town of Origin: Learn how to find the town of origin for an Italian ancestor.

    FS—Wiki: Finding Place of Origin
    The Town of Origin

  4. Watch these videos to learn more about town of origin strategies.

    AAC—Locating U.S. Records of Ancestors: Finding Place of Origin—10:36
    AAC—Italian Jurisdictions and Strategies for Town of Origin—5:12


BLearn about Italian language resources.

  1. Words: Learn the Italian words you need for genealogy.

    FS—Italian Genealogical Word List
    Italian-English Translation of Genealogical Terms

  2. Latin: Learn Latin words for earlier research in these articles.

    TH—Latin Genealogy Word List - 2019
    FS—Wiki: Latin Genealogy Word List

Records and Handwriting
  1. Get tips for finding Italian records.

    AC—Researching Italian Records
    LT—Tracing Ancestry Through Medieval Italian Records

  2. Examples: See examples of how to read Italian records.

    AC—Reading Italian Records

  3. Handwriting Skills: Watch this video for tips on reading Italian handwriting.

    AAC—Reading the Handwriting—6:39

  4. Learn Italian paleography in this BYU Script Tutorial.

CExplore resources for Italian research.


  1. Explore Italian record resources in this blog.

    FS—21st Century Italian Genealogy - 2015

  2. Sites: Explore Your Guide to Finding Italian Ancestors by Barb Snow.
  3. Explore the Forebears.io site for research records.
  4. Explore the ItalianGen site.
  5. Correspondence: Learn how to request records from Italy.

    Requesting Records from Italy - 2019
    FS—Wiki: Italy Letter Writing Guide

  6. Trips: Get tips for planning a research trip to Italy.

    Planning an Italian Research Trip - 2019


DLearn about surnames for Italian research.

  1. Surname Maps: See maps that show surname distribution across Italy.

    Maps of 1200 Italian Surnames—10:01 - 2018

    Italian Surnames Map

  2. Surnames: Learn about Italian surname origins in these articles.

    TH—Italian Surnames and Origins - 2018
    FS—Italy Names

  3. Explore a list of Italian surnames on the Surname in Italy site.
  4. Search the Geneanet site for Italian surnames.