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Goal 2 for Central America

Guatemala Departments

Goal 2: Learn about Guatemala research and records.


ALearn how to find Guatemala records.

  1. FamilySearch: Learn about Guatemala genealogy in these articles.

    FS—Wiki: Guatemala
    LT—Top 3 Resources to Trace Your Ancestry in Guatemala

  2. Civil Registration: Learn about civil registration in Guatemala.

    FS—Wiki: Guatemala Census

  3. Church: Learn about finding church records in Guatemala.

    FS—Wiki: Guatemala Church Records

  4. Record Finder: Use the Guatemala Record Finder to understand record types for research.

    FS—Wiki: Guatemala Record Finder

  5. Town of Origin: Learn how to find the place of origin for your ancestor in Guatemala.

    FS—Wiki: Finding Town of Origin

  6. Old Documents: Explore the Spanish Paleography Tool site for help with reading older documents.

Language and Help
  1. Use this Spanish word list to help with understanding research records.

    FS—Wiki: Spanish Word List

  2. Search the Geneanet site for Guatemalan surnames.
  3. Get help at a FamilySearch center in Guatemala.
  4. Use this guide for corresponding with Guatemalan organizations about genealogy resources.

    FS—Spanish Letter-Writing Guide



BExplore additional resources for research.

  1. Archives & Libraries: Learn about archives and libraries in Guatemala.

    FS—Wiki: Guatemala Archives and Libraries

  2. Sites: Explore the site for research records.
  3. Search the Find A Grave site for cemetery records.
  4. Search the BillionGraves site for cemetery records.
  5. Explore the Jewish Genealogy Encyclopedia for Jewish resources in Guatemala.

CLearn about Guatemala map resources.

  1. Explore the David Rumsey collection of Jamaica maps.
  2. Explore the Perry-Castaneda site for maps of Guatemala.
  3. Explore the Old Maps Online site for Guatemala maps.
  4. Explore the Atlas of Guatemala on the Wikipedia site.
  5. Explore the Old Maps of Guatemala on the Wikipedia site.
  6. Explore FamilySearch Places to learn about place names in Guatemala.

DLearn about Guatemala newspapers.

  1. Search Guatemala newspapers in the site.
  2. Search Guatemala in the site.
  3. Search Guatemala newspapers in the ABYZ News Links site.

EUse Facebook pages to get answers to your questions.

  1. See the Investigacion Genealogica en Guatemala Facebook page.
  2. Visit the Mexico-Central America Genealogy Research Community Facebook page for FamilySearch. surnames.
  3. Get help at a FamilySearch center in Guatemala. surnames.