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Presenting TFHG on Paper

Use printed summaries of The Family History Guide when presenting online is not the best option.

In most cases, presenting The Family History Guide (TFHG) online is the best solution. However, using printed handouts may be an effective alternative, such as in the following cases:

Presenting TFHG on Paper (General Interest)

This two-page PDF file covers 25 important features in The Family History Guide, with enough screen shots and navigation paths on paper to make them easy to find. Attendees can follow along on their devices—laptops, tablets, phones—as you give the presentation. Estimated presentation time is about 40 minutes.

Presenting TFHG on Paper (Latter-day Saint Focus)

This two-page PDF file also covers 25 important features in The Family History Guide. Several research features from the General Interest version are replaced with features of interest to Latter-day Saints, such as The Church of Jesus Christ pages and Weekly Family History Activities (for Come, Follow Me). Attendees can follow along on their devices—laptops, tablets, phones—as you give the presentation. Estimated presentation time is about 40 minutes.

Notes for the Latter-day Saint version