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Native American

Goal 1: Research

Goal 1: Learn about Native American research.Vault


ALearn about basic Native American research.

  1. Introduction: Get an introduction to Native American research in these articles.

    TH—Tracing Indian Ancestry - 2019
    FS—Overview of American Indian Research—6 pgs. - 2015

  2. Here is an overview for beginning your Native American / First Nations research.

    APL—Native American/First Nations Research—83:41 - 2018

  3. Get an overview of Native American family history on the Archives.com site.

    AR—Native American Family History

  4. Watch this video to learn the basics of Native American research.

    BYU—Native American Research—14:39 - 2016

  5. Learn more about researching Native American ancestors in this video.

    AA—Researching Native American Ancestors at NEHGS—60:31 - 2016

  6. U.S. Dept. of Interior: Learn about Native American research in this article from the U.S. Dept. of the Interior.

    Genealogical Research

Tips and Strategies
  1. Read about tips for exploring Native American ancestry.

    AC—Researching Your American Indian Ancestors—8 pgs. - 2016

  2. Watch this video for additional steps in Native American research.

    AAC—Native American Ancestry: Steps to Learn More—Video Series (account required)

  3. Here are additional tips and resources for Native American research.

    PR—Native American Ancestry: Tips and Resources, Part 1
    PR—Native American Ancestry: Tips and Resources, Part 2

BLearn more about Native American research.

  1. Resources & Records: Explore resources for Native American research on the AccessGenealogy.com site.
  2. Explore online records and databases for Native American research on the Genealogy Branches site.
  3. Books: Explore the Books We Own site for books that can be checked out or researched for you by others.
  4. Message Boards: Use the Ancestry message boards to read or post questions about Native American research.
  5. See also the American Indian links listed in Goal 12 of each U.S. state page in The Family History Guide .

CSolidify proof for your Native American ancestry.

  1. Watch this video to learn more about proving family lines traced to Native Americans.

    AC—Proving Your Native American Ancestry—22:44 - 2011

  2. This article from the Bureau of Indian Affairs provides guidelines for tracing American Indian and Alaska Native ancestry.

    A Guide to Tracing American Indian & Alaska Native Ancestry

  3. Read this article for tips on verifying Native American ancestry.

    AC—Identifying Direct Sources to Prove Native American Ancestry - 2016

  4. DNA: Learn about DNA testing for Native Americans.

    GE—Native American DNA Testing - 2022

  5. Learn more about DNA testing for Native American ancestry.

    RT—Using DNA Testing to Uncover Native Ancestry—21:09 - 2022

  6. Learn about DNA techinques and tools for tracing Native American ancestry.

    RT—DNA for Native American Genealogy—50:16 - 2025