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Goal 1: Research


Partners and Sites:   FamilySearch   Ancestry   MyHeritage  |  Websites:   FS Wiki   GenealogyLinks

Portugal Districts

Goal 1: Get started with research in Portugal.



AUse effective research methods for your Portuguese ancestors.

  1. Overview: Use this guide from FamilySearch to help you with beginning Portuguese research.

    FS—Wiki: Portugal Quick Start Guide

  2. Archives.com: Get an overview of Portuguese family history on the Archives.com site.

    AR—Portuguese Family History

  3. Tips: Learn how to trace your Portuguese ancestry.

    AR—Uncovering Your Portuguese Ancestry - 2012

  4. Here are some tips on building your Portuguese family tree with a variety of records.

    How to create your Portuguese Family Tree

  5. Go into more depth with your Portuguese research.

    AA—Getting Started in Portuguese Genealogy—79:43 - 2020

  6. Town of Origin: Learn how to find your ancestor's town of origin in Portugal.

    FS—Portugal Finding Town of Origin

  7. Correspondence: Use this guide for corresponding with Portuguese organizations about genealogy resources.

    FS—Portuguese Letter-Writing Guide


BGet familiar with the Portuguese language.

  1. Letters, Words, Names: Learn to decipher Portuguese letters, words, and names.

    FS—Deciphering Portuguese Script - 2017

  2. Here is a Portuguese word list to aid in research.
  3. Explore the BYU Portuguese Script Tutorial.
  4. Surnames: Learn about Portuguese surnames for research.

    FS—Portuguese Surnames

  5. Learn about Spanish and Portuguese surnames in this video.

    RT—Spanish and Portuguese Surnames—59:26 - 2024

  6. Search the Geneanet site for Portuguese surnames.

CExplore additional resources for Portuguese research.


  1. Challenges: Here's a list of reasons why you may not be finding your Portuguese ancestor.

    10 Reasons Why You Can't Find Your Portuguese Ancestors - 2015

  2. Learn about the challenges of researching Portuguese ancestors.

    The Challenge of Researching Portuguese Ancestors - 2011
    The Danger of Surname Research with Portuguese Ancestry - 2015
  3. Sites: Learn about research in the Madeira Islands.

    RT—Four Websites for Researching in the Madeira Islands—19:32 - 2022

  4. Explore the Forebears.io site for research records.
  5. Search for free online books on Portugal research on the FamilySearch site.
  6. Archives: Learn about doing research in Spanish and Portuguese archives.

    MH Wiki—How to Research Archives in Spain and Portugal

  7. Explore the Archives Portal Europe site. Click the Directories link and then select Portugal.