1: Research   2: Libraries and Archives   3: JewishGen Website   4: Holocaust Resources   5: Search Records   6: Get Help              Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF


Goal 1: Research and Records

Goal 1: Learn about Jewish research.Vault


ALearn about basic Jewish research.

  1. Introduction: Read the articles for an introduction to Jewish research.

    FS—Jewish Genealogy Research   
    AF—Jewish Research Advice for Beginners - 2015

  2. Get an overview of Jewish genealogy.

    AR: An Overview of Jewish Genealogy - 2010

  3. Get tips for starting your Jewish genealogy journey.

    FHF: Family Tree Research and Jewish History— 14:13 - 2019

  4. Read these articles for ideas on tracing your Jewish heritage.

    PR—You Can Trace Your Jewish Heritage, Part 1
    PR—You Can Trace Your Jewish Heritage, Part 2

  5. Get insights into Jewish genealogy research in this video.

    AC—Jewish Genealogical Research—6:38 - 2016

  6. Learn more about researching your Jewish heritage.

    GC—Researching Your Jewish Heritage

  7. Sephardic: Explore resources for Sephardic Jewish ancestors.

  1. Find Jewish records for research in this Ancestry article.

    AC—Tips for Finding Jewish Records

  2. Learn about synagogue records in this MyHeritage article.

    MH Wiki—Synagogue Records

  3. Discover additional records for research.

    AR—Unique Records for Jewish Genealogy - 2013
    LT—Jewish Research Tips, Part 3: Conclusion

  4. Learn about Jewish record repositories in the United States.

    AR—Major Jewish Record Repositories in the United States - 2013

  5. Learn about the Documentation of Jewish record project and how it is connecting researchers with additional arhives and resources.

    There Are No Records...Or Are There?—6:39 - 2022

  6. Museum of the Jewish People: Explore the Open Database Project at the online Museum of the Jewish People.

BLearn about Jewish resources for research.

  1. Explore a list of resources on the Louis Kessler site.
  2. Explore the Israel Genealogical Research site.
  3. Archives: Learn about genealogy archives in Israel in this Archives.com article.

    AR: An Intro To Archives In Israel - 2011

  4. History: Learn about family tree research and Jewish history.

    LT: Family Tree Research and Jewish History

  5. Surnames: Learn about Jewish surnames in this article.

    Is My Surname Jewish? - 2020

  6. Explore the Jewish surname index in the Avotaynu website.
  7. United States: Explore Jewish genealogy in the United States in this guide from the Center for Jewish History site.
  8. Explore the Jewish Genealogy Encyclopedia for Jewish resources in the U.S.
  9. Synagogues: Explore Jewish synagogue records in the United States in this guide from the Center for Jewish History site.
  10. Europe: Learn about finding your Jewish ancestors in Eastern Europe.

    AC—Discover Your Eastern European Jewish Ancestors—40:33
    RT—Jewish Communities around the Mediterranean Basin—19:20 - 2020

CExplore Jewish migration resources.

  1. Learn about Jewish migration to the United States.

    AR—How the Jews Came to America - 2013

  2. Paths: Get started finding Jewish immigration paths.

    LT: Family Tree Research and Jewish History

  3. DNA: Learn about using DNA and immigration records to solve research problems.

    Using DNA and Immigration Records to Break Down Brick Walls in American Jewish Genealogy—12:25 - 2019

  4. Maps: Learn more about Jewish hometowns, maps, and gazetteers.

    LT: Jewish Research Part 2: Tips and Resources