1: Research   2: Archives and Libraries   3: Vital Records   4: Church and Cemetery Records   5: Emigration and Immigration   6: Military Records   7: Property, Probate, Wills, Court   8: Maps and Gazetteers   9: Newspapers   10: Geo/Culture/History   11: Get Help               Tracker     KB-Intl.    Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF


Goal 1: Research


Partners and Sites:   FamilySearch   Ancestry   MyHeritage  |  Websites:   FS Wiki   GenealogyLinks

Scotland Counties

Goal 1: Learn about Scotland research and records.Vault


    Mini-Quiz for the Video  |   Answers


AUse effective research methods for your Scottish ancestors.

  1. Getting Started: Use the Wiki article or watch the video to begin your Scotland research.

    FS—Getting Started with Scotland Research
    BYU—Beginning Scottish Research—66:47 - 2017   

  2. Get an overview of Scottish family history on the Archives.com site.

    AR—Scottish Family History

  3. Resources: Learn about resources for Scottish research.

    FHD: The 10 Best (Mostly Free) Scottish Genealogy Sites for Finding Your Ancestors - 2023

  4. Learn about researching Scotch-Irish ancestors.

    FS—Scots Irish
    AF—The Scotch-Irish and How to Research Them—8:57 - 2017

  5. Explore the Forebears.io site for research records.
  6. Record Finder: Use the Scotland Record Finder to understand record types for research.

    FS—Wiki: Scotland Record Finder


  1. Learn about Scotland research strategies.

    FS—Scotland Research Strategies—25:20
    AC—Researching Scottish Ancestry—7:29 - 2016

  2. Watch these videos to learn about strategies for researching records.

    Finding your Scottish Ancestry—8:05 - 2012   

    Researching Your Scottish Ancestors - a Preview—15:01 - 2015

  3. Brick Walls: Learn how to break through brick walls in Scottish research.

    RT—Brick Wall Busters for Scottish Genealogy Research - 2019


BLearn more about Scottish research on the ScotlandsPeople website.

  1. Learn more about the ScotlandsPeople site.

    LT—ScotlandsPeople: Research Tips from a Scot Descendant
    BYU—Exploring the ScotlandsPeople Website—35:07 - 2023

  2. This article discusses the types of records you can find on the ScotlandsPeople site.

    PR: Scottish Research and the Records on the ScotlandsPeople Website

  3. Here are some tips for using the ScotlandsPeople site.

    Making the Most of ScotlandsPeople - 2018
    Secrets of Scotland's People—13:33 - 2022

  4. Learn how to do effective searches on ScotlandsPeople.

    PR: Scottish Research and the Records on the ScotlandsPeople Website

  5. Explore the ScotlandsPeople website.


CExplore Scottish research by time period.

  1. 1855-1901: Explore records for Scottish ancestors from 1855 to 1901 in this PDF file that includes case studies.

    FS—Finding Records of Your Ancestors in Scotland - 2008
  2. Pre-1855: Explore records for Scottish ancestors before 1855 in this online syllabus page.

    FS—Researching Scottish Ancestry

  3. See a related article on finding ancestors here.

    FS—Scotland Strategies, before 1855

  4. Handwriting: Explore the Scottish Handwriting website for tips on reading Scottish documents from 1500-1800.

  5.   Handwriting Practice  |   Hints  |   Answer

  6. Learn about additional handwriting resources on the Scotland's People site.

    Scottish Handwriting

  7. Medieval: Explore the People of Medieval Scotland website to learn about ancestors and documents from 1093-1406.


DLearn about Scottish surnames and clans.

  1. Surnames: Learn about researching Scottish surnames.

    TH—Scottish Surnames - 2019
    FS—Scottish Names—What Are They All About?

  2. Learn more about Scottish clans, families, and surnames.

    Locate Your Ancestors with Scottish Naming Patterns—5:58

  3. Search the Geneanet site for Scottish surnames.
  4. Search the Old Scottish site for Scottish surnames.
  5. Learn more about Scottish surnames on the MyHeritage Wiki.

    MH Wiki—Scottish Surnames

  Old Scottish Surnames Practice  |   Hints  |   Answer

  1. Learn about the history of Scottish clans and naming patterns.

    FS—Scotland Names Personal
    MH Wiki—Clans of Scotland

  2. Explore the Electric Scotland site for Scottish clan resources.
  3. Use this interactive Scottish clan map to locate and learn about Scottish clans.
  4. Learn about Scottish naming patterns.

    Scottish Genealogy: The Scottish Naming Pattern—59:09 - 2014   

    FMP—Traditional Scottish Naming Patterns - 2020