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Goal 1: Research


Partners and Sites:   FamilySearch   Ancestry   MyHeritage  |  Websites:   FS Wiki   GenealogyLinks

Finland Counties

Goal 1: Learn about Finland research and records.


AGet started with Finnish research.

  1. Introduction: Use this article to help you with beginning Finnish research.

    FS—Finnish Research: Searching Records

  2. Here are some helpful guides to doing Finnish genealogy research.

    PR—Finland Genealogy Research – Part One
    PR—Finland Genealogy Research – Part Two

  3. Tips: Read these articles for tips on Finnish research.

    FS—Tips for Beginners
    LT—6 Essential Steps To Trace Your Finnish Ancestry

  4. Sources: Learn about sources for Finnish research in this video.

    RT—Basic Sources of Finnish Family History—6:21 - 2023

  5. Explore the Finnish Family History Association site for research tips.
  6. Explore resources available on the FEEFHS site.
  7. Forest Finns: Learn how to find Finns who settled in the forest areas of Norway and Sweden.

    Forest Finns Still Haunt the DNA of Sweden

  8. Pre-1900: Learn how to find Finnish ancestors before 1900.

    Finding Records of Your Ancestors in Finland before 1900

Records and Handwriting
  1. Record Finder: Use the Finland Record Finder to understand record types for research.

    FS—Wiki: Finland Record Finder

  2. Forebears.io: Explore the Forebears.io site for research records.
  3. Handwriting: Learn to read Scandinavian Gothic handwriting for old Finnish records.

    FS—Wiki: Finland Handwriting

  4. Challenges: Learn about challenges in Finnish research and suggestions for overcoming them.

    RT—Challenges in Finnish Family History Research—13:29 - 2023


BExplore databases in the Genealogical Society of Finland site.

  1. Read the instructions for doing searches in the HisKi database. This site includes records for births, marriages, burial records, etc.
  2. Access the link for the database on the right side of the page.
  3. In the Regions box, select a province from the map or a resource from the the drop-down list at the bottom.
  4. Double-click an area in the left pane to search there, OR click "All" to search all areas in the Region you chose.
  5. Click links on the screen to explore corresponding record sources.
  6. For more detailed instructions, click here.

CLearn about Finnish genealogical terms and surnames.

  1. Terms: Learn about Finnish genealogy terms in this FamilySearch Wiki article.

    FS—Wiki: Finnish Genealogy Terms   

  2. Surnames: Learn about Finland surnames in this article and video.

    FS—Wiki: Finland Naming Customs
    FS—The Origin and Meaning of Finnish Surnames—8:53 - 2019

  3. Learn more about Finnish surnames.

    MH Wiki—Finnish Surnames

  4. Explore the Finnish Family History Association site for help with surname research.
  5. Search the Geneanet site for Finnish surnames.
  6. Correspondence: Use this guide for corresponding with Finnish organizations about genealogy resources.

    FS—Finland Letter Writing Guide
