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Goal 1: Research and Records


Partners and Sites:   FamilySearch   Ancestry   MyHeritage  |  Websites:   FS Wiki   GenealogyLinks

Slovenia Regions

Goal 1: Learn about Slovenian research.


ALearn about Slovenian genealogy.

  1. Introduction: Learn about beginning research in Slovenia.

    FS Wiki:—Slovenia Beginning Research

  2. Get an overview of Slovene genealogy on the MyHeritage Wiki.

    MH Wiki—Slovene Genealogy

  3. Watch this video for an introduction to Slovenian research.

    BYU—Introduction to Slovenian Research—60:03 - 2018

  4. Roots: Learn how to find your Slovenian roots and relatives.

    Find your Slovenian roots and relatives—3:06 - 2013

  5. Correspondence: Use this guide for corresponding with Slovenian organizations about genealogy resources.

    FS—Slovenia Letter-Writing Guide

  6. Emigration: Learn about Slovenia emigration and immigration in this FamilySearch Wiki article.

    FS—Wiki: Slovenia Emigration and Immigration

  7. Learn about immigration history and demographics in this Wikipedia article.

    Wikipedia: Slovene Americans

  8. Surnames: Get an overview of Slovene surnames on the MyHeritage Wiki.

    MH Wiki—Slovene Surnames

  1. Record Finder: Use the Slovenia Record Finder to understand record types for research.

    FS—Wiki: Slovenia Record Finder

  2. Sites: Explore Slovenia Genealogy Resources on the FEEFHS site.
  3. Explore the Slovenian Genealogy site.
  4. Explore the Forebears.io site for research records.

BFind Slovenian language and name resources for your research.

  1. Learn about the Slovenian languages in this FamilySearch Wiki article.

    FS—Slovenia Languages

  2. Learn about Slovenian surnames and first names for research.

  3. Search the Geneanet site for Slovenian surnames.