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Goal 1: Research and Records


Partners and Sites:   FamilySearch   Ancestry   MyHeritage  |  Websites:   FS Wiki      GenealogyLinks

Austria Provinces

Goal 1: Learn about Austrian research.



ALearn about Austrian family history research.

  1. Get Started: Learn about starting your Austrian genealogy.

    Genealogy in today's Austria – Tips for beginners
    RT—How to Start Researching Your Ancestors in Today's Austria—25:41 - 2023

  2. Tips: Here are some tips for doing genealogical research in Austria.

    Beginner's Guide to Austrian Research
    LT—Tips and Resources for Researching Immigrant Ancestors from Austria

  3. Learn more about finding your Austrian ancestors.

    RT—Finding Your Austrian Ancestors—13:44 - 2023

  4. Record Finder: Explore the FamilySearch Record Finder to prioritize records for Austrian research.

    FS—Wiki: Record Finder

  5. Town of Origin: Learn how to find your ancestor's town of origin in Austria.

    FS—Wiki: Austria Finding Town of Origin

  6. German Word List: Here is a German word list for genealogy research.

    FS—Wiki: German Word List


BExplore additional resources for research.

  1. GenTeam: Learn about using the GenTeam research site in this video.


  2. Explore the GenTeam research site. The site is in German; you can use Google Translate to switch to English.
  3. Surnames: Search the Geneanet site for Austrian surnames.
  4. Explore surname distribution (a map where certain surnames are prevalent) in Austria.
  5. Vienna: Learn about tracing your ancestors in Vienna.
  6. Learn about 1800s census and population records for Vienna.

    RT—Census, House and Population Records in Vienna in the 1800s—20:06   

  1. Sites: Explore the Forebears.io site for research records.
  2. Explore the Austria GenWeb site.
  3. Explore the GenWiki Austria site.
  4. Explore the Genealogy Guide to Austria research by Barb Snow.
  5. Jewish: Explore the Jewish Genealogy Encyclopedia for Jewish resources in Austria.
  6. GenTeam: Access a variety of databases on the GenTeam Austria site.

CUse Austrian church records for research.

  1. Learn about Austrian church records.

    FS—Wiki: Austria Church Records

  2. Get familiar with using church registers in Austria.

    OFR: Church sources - registers

  3. Explore the Matricula Online site for locations of Austrian parishes.
  4. Explore Roman Catholic and Protestant church registers in Austria.
  5. Explore the JewishGen Austria-Czech Database.
  6. Explore links to grave databases on the OFR site.
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