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Research Practice Exercises

Solve practice problems with record collections and databases from around the world.


There are over 300 ready-made Practice Exercises in The Family History Guide country pages, from basic to advanced, with more exercises on the way. Each exercise is designed to help you sharpen your research skills by solving quick sample problems, using record collections and databases.

Basic exercises are marked with a green dot ( ); intermediate with a blue dot ( ); and advanced with a brown dot ( ).

For more about the Practice Exercises, check out this blog article or this 5-Minute Features video:

Sample Exercise

Here is a Practice Exercise from Virginia Goal 3, Choice B. Click the links to see the problem statement, hints, and answers.

  Record Search Practice  |   Hints  |   Answers

Finding the Exercises

The Practice Exercises are embedded in many of the Choices for countries and states around the world. To help you find ones of interest, you can use the Practice Exercises Index below. It is a Google sheet that has columns for countries and record types, and the record type entries have links that take you to the pages with the Practice Exercises. There are several tabs in the sheet: Countries, U.S. States, and England Counties.