Come, Follow Me :
"I prophesy unto you concerning the last days," Nephi wrote (2 Nephi 26:14). In other words, he was writing about our day. And there's reason to be concerned about what he saw: people denying the power and miracles of God, rampant envy and strife, the devil binding people with strong cords. But in addition to these latter-day "works of darkness" (2 Nephi 26:10, 22) led by the adversary, Nephi also spoke of "a marvelous work and a wonder" led by the Lord Himself (2 Nephi 27:26). And at the center of that work would be a book—a book that speaks from the dust, that exposes Satan's lies, and that gathers the righteous like a standard. That book is the Book of Mormon, the marvelous work is the work of the Lord's Church in the latter days, and the wonder is that He invites all of us, in spite of our weaknesses, to participate.
As you read 2 Nephi 26:20-21, what does Nephi tell you about the many churches that were built up during the dark ages. Consider how these many churches continued throughout time up to the religious unrest of Joseph Smith's time. This unrest led Joseph into a grove of trees with a simple plea of which church he should join. His answer was he should join none. Through Joseph Smith, the Church of Jesus Christ was restored again on the earth—The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. This restoration established a true church with apostles and prophets, true doctrine, and the proper priesthood authority to perform essential saving ordinances.
You can also read more about "
a marvelous work and a wonder."
Fan Chart Bingo
To play: Print a fan chart or pedigree chart for each person. Make sure the dates include the 1800's. If not, change the person in the center to a parent or grandparent. If you need help, read
how to print a fan chart. (You can take a screenshot by bringing up your fan chart on your screen. For PC windows, press Windows + PrtScn. Your picture is saved to Pictures > Screenshots. For Mac, press Shift+ Command+3. Your picture will be saved to your desktop with the name screenshot and usually date and time.) Use some small candies, dry beans, or other small objects as markers.
Now the fun begins. See how your ancestors match up with some church history events during the restoration time period. One person is designated as the caller. This person calls out a church history event and year. Use the events listed below or add your own. Each person looks for an ancestor who was alive during that period of time and places a marker on their name. Individuals can choose any ancestor in that time period, but can place only one marker. Play continues until someone gets three markers in one of the four family lines and calls out Bingo. Variation: Play until all events have been called.
As you play or after playing, talk about how members of your family came to join the Church of Jesus Christ? Who was the first member of your family to join the Church? Where did they live when they were introduced to the gospel? If their story is not included in FamilySearch memories, you may want to take some time to write it up or make an
audio recording of this event.
Church History Events
- 1820 - The First Vision occurred.
- 1823 - The angel Moroni first appeared to Joseph Smith.
- 1827 - Joseph Smith received the golden plates.
- 1829 - Joseph Smith completed the Book of Mormon translation, and the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthoods were restored.
- 1830 - The Book of Mormon was published.
- 1830 - The Church was organized and Samuel Smith was set apart as the Church's first official missionary.
- 1831 - Kirtland, Ohio became a gathering place for the Saints.
- 1833 - Saints in Jackson County, Missouri, were forced to leave the county
- 1837 - First missionaries were sent to England.
- 1839 - Saints in Missouri were forced to leave the state, and Nauvoo was established.
- 1844 Joseph Smith and Hyrum Smith were assassinated
- 1846 - Many Saints began their journey to the Salt Lake Valley
General Timeline of Church History Events: 1805-1846). Also, check out the
Missionary Database for founding of other Mission areas.
Celebrate Missionary Work
"The time has come for us to capitalize more effectively on the potent combination of the mighty change of heart, made possible primarily by the spiritual power of the Book of Mormon, and the turning of hearts to the fathers, accomplished through the spirit of Elijah. A yearning for connection to our past can prepare an individual to receive the virtue of the word of God and fortify his or her faith. A heart turning to the fathers uniquely helps an individual withstand the influence of the adversary and strengthen conversion ... The artificial boundary line we so often place between missionary work and temple and family history work is being erased; this is one great work of salvation." (David A. Bednar [
address given at the seminar for new mission presidents on June 25, 2013, Salt Lake City]). Read more in Kathryn Grant's
FamilySearch blog post.
- See missionary stories, tips, and activities.
- Explore this Church History Database.
- See Missionary Journals and Letters.
- Write a thank-you letter to a missionary, past or present (see this blog post).
Preparing for April 2020 General Conference
President Russell M. Nelson closed the
October 2019 general conference with an invitation for Latter-day Saints to prepare for the subsequent April 2020 general conference, 200 years since Joseph Smith's First Vision. The year 2020 will be designated as a bicentennial year. "General conference next April will be different from any previous conference. ... I hope that every member and every family will prepare for a unique conference that will commemorate the very foundations of the restored gospel."
God teaches "line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there little" (
2 Nephi 28:30). Why is it better to receive some things "line upon line" rather than all at once? How was Joseph Smith taught "line upon line?" Think of different time periods during Joseph's life (such as the following) and discuss with your family how Joseph was taught "line upon line."
- Growing up and before he went to the grove to pray
- After his vision, but before he received the gold plates
- While he was translating the gold plates
- After the Book of Mormon was published
- During the mobs and persecutions
Have each family member write down 1-3 things that they have learned "line upon line." Share what each family member has written with the group. How does a "line upon line" process help strengthen individuals and families? Does it ever end? Why/Why not? How can you help each other learn "line upon line." What are things you have learned from your parents and grandparents?
Your Personal History

Write one brief story about your life as you study each Come, Follow Me lesson. By the end of the year, you will have compiled 50 stories to add to your personal history. Save as a story (also consider
audio-recording it) and add it to your FamilySearch memories to preserve it. Use your own questions or those from (or inspired by) the
#52 Stories Project below. For example:
- Think about and write down ways you can show God that you want to receive more of His word.
- Write about why your life is better because of the Book of Mormon.
- Write about the day you were baptized.
- Write the story of why you decided to join The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.