1: Get Organized   2: Learn the Basics   3: Form a Strategy   4: FamilySearch Record Searches (FS)   5: FamilySearch Research Tools (FS)   6: Develop Search Skills   7: Solve Problems   8: Family History Trips   9: FamilySearch Places, Solutions Gallery   10: Where Am I From?  |   Goldie May              Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

Goldie May

Use the Goldie May research assistant to guide you in your family history research.

The free Goldie May Chrome extension and cloud service provide an intelligent research assistant for your family history with FamilySearch. Goldie May has partnered with The Family History Guide to provide a great learning and research experience, including links to Choices for the U.S. Census, county research, etc.

There is a helpful video on the Goldie May site (also included below) that explains more about the features of Goldie May, as well as a podcast and a blog post on the Family Locket site.

Get Started

To get started, go to the Goldie May site and scroll down to the bottom of the page for the free version.

Here's an overview video of Goldie May features: