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The Family History Guide.

Activities for Family History

A Finding Activities

  • In the top menu of The Family History Guide, hover over the Activities link and select Family, Individuals, Youth, or Kids Corner.

  • At the top of the page, select an activities topic from the list of links. Each Activities page has similar activities topics.
  • Most activities have links to sites or pages for details on how to carry out the activities.
  • The last Goal in each of the Activities categories provides activities for Latter-day Saints. The Family Activities page also has a Goal for 5-Minute Ideas for Latter-day Saints.
  • There is a Home School page that has ideas and activities for those who want to include family history in their schedules, using The Family History Guide.
  • The Activities Index is an alphabetical list of links you can use to quickly find activities of interest.

B Tips

  • Each activity has an ID number to make it easier to find and refer to.
  • Some activities have "Steps" links you can click to open a set of steps for what to do in the activity.
  • Although activities are divided into categories for Family, Individuals, Youth, and Children, some activities may apply well to multiple categories.
  • You'll occasionally see links from the Activities pages to helpful content in The Family History Guide. For example, an activity for indexing also points to the Indexing Project for instructions on how to index. The links are designated by Partner: FS for FamilySearch, AN for Ancestry, MH for MyHeritage, and FMP for Findmypast.


A Finding a Location

  • The Countries menu has links to All Countries, the United States, Canada, England, and the major regions of the world.
  • Click All Countries to see an alphabetical list of country pages in The Family History Guide, then click one of interest.
  • You can also click More to see resources for smaller countries that are not included as country pages in The Family History Guide. These countries are listed alphabetically with regions indicated.
  • You can also click a region, such as Scandinavia, and select an entry that appears.
  • To find a Canadian province page, a) Click Canada; and b) Click one the province page links (just below the large picture at the top).
  • To find an English county page, a) Click England; and b) Click one the county page links (just below the large picture at the top).
  • To find an Australian state page, a) Click Australia; and b) Click one the province page links (just below the large picture at the top).

B Learning about Locations

  • To learn more about a country, state, province, or English county, click the title link at the top of the page. That opens a Wikipedia page for the location; of special interest is the History section at the beginning of the Wikipedia article. In many cases photos and external links are also available in the articles.

C U.S. Counties

  • To access U.S. county information, a) Open a U.S. state page (see Choice A above); and b) Click the Counties link (such as CA counties, just below QUIKLinks).
  • There is a County Resources link for each state, from Ancestry. This has information on where to find county records, as well as record types and dates of availability.

  • There are several types of specific county pages to access. To access the FamilySearch page, click the county title; or A for Ancestry, or L for Linkpendium. (Linkpendium tends to have the most comprehensive lists of resources for each county.)

D "Collector" Pages

  • When a country has a fair amount of genealogy resources but not enough to have its own country page, it becomes part of a "collector page" for a region. You can find these pages in the "Countries in Collections" section of the Countries page.
  • In a collector page, there is one Goal per country, with usually three to five countries represented. The last Choice for each country is a "Get Help" Choice.
  • The following collector pages are available in The Family History Guide:
    • Africa
    • Caribbean
    • Central America
    • Eastern Europe
    • Pacific Islands
    • South America
    • United Kingdom (Note : This page has no Goals or Choices; it is simply a collector page for U.K. record links.)
  • Near the bottom the Countries page, there is also a section that links to each country that is part of a collector page.

E More Countries

In some of the Collector pages, the final Goal is "More Countries". These Goals list a number of additional countries and resources for them.


A Google Translate

  • A Google Translate button appears on almost every page of The Family History Guide.

  • To translate the current page of The Family History Guide to another language, click the Google Translate button and select the language from the list.
  • To return to the original language, click the "X" in the Google Translate bar (top of the browser window).
  • Note : Google translations are done by software, so there are some inaccuracies and omissions. Still, this is the best option for translation in The Family History Guide, as the content changes so often that human translation would be very expensive.

B Video Translations

  • You can find links to translated versions of FamilySearch videos on the Translated Videos page. The videos are arranged by language.

Online Tracker

For help with the Online Tracker and Resource Stars, see the Online Tracker Help pages.

Project Pages

A Partners and Accounts

The middle section of the top menu has Projects for each of the Partners of The Family History Guide: FamilySearch, Ancestry, MyHeritage, and Findmypast.

  • To learn more about the Partners for The Family History Guide, see the Partners page (Intro menu).
  • Hover over any Partner in the top menu and select the first Project below it to begin setting up an account. (Setting up Family Search account info is explained in Goal 13 of FamilySearch Project 1.)

B Project Features

    Below are some of the useful features in the Projects. See also the QUIKLinks and Languages sections on this page, as well as About the Projects and Project Resources.

  • Open/Close Choices—click the Close Choices button to close all Choices in the Project. The button then becomes Open Choices, and you can click it again to open all Choices in the Project. You can also click the title of any individual Choice to open or close the content below it.
  • Summaries—click a Summary link to show a list of items covered in the current Choice.
  • Exercises—click an Exercises link to show exercises that you can complete to enhance your skills and learning in The Family History Guide. You can use these exercises to earn a Good or Proficient level for the current Choice in the Tracker (Online or Word).


QUIKLinks are links that help you get to record searches faster and easier.

A QUIKLinks for Specific Record Collections

  1. Open a country, state, or province page and look for lightning-bolt icons in the header area. These indicate the presence of QUIKLinks for specific record collections. An example is shown below.

  2. Click one of the lightning-bolt links (such as "Vital and Census Records" in the example) to open that particular Goal page.
  3. Scroll down in the page until you find a QUIKLinks section at the end of a Choice. The example below shows QUIKLinks for Arizona (U.S.) birth records. QUIKLinks are labaled as FS (FamilySearch), AC (Ancestry), MH (MyHeritage), or FMP (Findmypast).
  4. To see additional QUIKLinks for counties or provinces, if available, scroll to the bottom of the page.

  5. Here is a brief video that shows QUIKLinks in action:

B Partner Links for Overall Search Pages and Websites

If you want to open the main search page for a platform (FamilySearch, Ancestry, MyHeritage, or Findmypast),

  1. Open a country, state, or province page.
  2. Just below the large picture at the top), click FamilySearch, Ancestry, Findmypast, MyHeritage, or More (LDSGenealogycom). You'll go directly to the search page for that platform.

If you want to open a website that has a collection of useful research links,

  1. In the country, state, or province page, click one of the Partner Links (FamilySearch Wiki, Ancestry Wiki, US Genweb, or GenealogyLinks). You'll go directly to that website, which contains helpful links for research in the selected location.

C About Record Collections

  • To see the records in the search screens you are using, you need to be logged in to that website.
  • Record collections that exist on multiple websites do not have duplicate links in the left pane. For example, if a Record Collection exists in all four sites, it is only linked in the first area - FamilySearch.
  • If one of the major websites is missing from the left pane, it's because it does not have enough non-duplicate Record Collections to be generally useful.
  • Usually, record collections with fewer than 50,000 records are omitted from the QUIKLinks list. You can still find these collections on the corresponding website, including records by province, state, diocese, etc.


The Vault contains links to helpful articles and videos that are not considered as essential as those found in the main pages of The Family History Guide.

A Organization

  • The link to the Vault is located in the top menu of The Family History Guide.
  • Click Legend to see a list of abbreviation codes that identify the sources for Vault links.

  • At the top of the page, click Topics to see a list of links for the Vault topics. (Click again to close the list.)
  • In the tables on the page, click any article link ("A") or video link ("V") of interest.

B Links to the Vault

  • There are a number of links from main Project pages to the Vault. These are found at the beginning of a Goal, at the right edge of the page.


Copyright 2025 The Family History Guide Association, a 501(c)(3) public charity organization. All rights reserved.
The products (services) offered by The Family History Guide Association are neither made, provided, approved nor endorsed by Intellectual Reserve, Inc., FamilySearch International, or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Any content or opinions expressed, implied or included in or with the goods (services) offered by The Family History Guide Association are solely those of The Family History Guide Association and not those of Intellectual Reserve, Inc., FamilySearch International, or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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