Translation Tips
Welcome to the Class Outlines! These are customizable slide decks with just one slide each—an opening slide with the link to the subject matter in The Family History Guide and suggested speaker notes. You can watch the video at the right, to learn how to use the Class Outlines. Note : Class Outlines are not provided for classes or presentations on learning FamilySearch, Ancestry, MyHeritage, or Findmypast. Those topics can be taught directly from the steps in the Choices in each Learning Path. Also included are Exercises, Resource articles and videos, and Show-Me slides. The Class Outlines deal with research topics, both general and country-specific. Each slide deck uses Google Slides that you can download and customize to fit your needs. When the opening slide is run in Presenter mode, you can access and show The Family History Guide site, and the speaker notes are visible to you in a separate window but not to others viewing the presentation. Currently there are 240 finished Class Outlines, plus translations in Spanish (ES) and Portuguese (PT). Preparation: Tips
Click here for presentation tips.
Terms of Use: Each Class Outlines slide is ©2024 The Family History Guide Association. You may download the slides and modify their speaker notes as needed. The slide may not be modified in other ways without written permission from The Family History Guide Association. You may distribute a modified copy of these slides so long as a) the other content and copyright statements remain intact, and b) you add a "Modified by (your name)" statement at the beginning of the speaker notes. Content: Basic level classes are noted by the green text and green border on the slide, while Interm. class outlines use a blue color scheme. Each class usually covers one Goal in The Family History Guide. You can remove or add content in your downloaded version of the speaker notes to expand or shrink coverage. Note: To view or edit speaker notes, open the slide and drag the short bar below the slide picture upwards.) As you study the articles and videos in the speaker notes, we recommend you add your own personal notes for points you want to explain further or emphasize. Note : The length of each class will vary from about 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the discussions and participation. For example, if there are 10 speaker notes in a slide, spending 3 minutes per note will cover about 30 minutes, and 4 minutes per note covers abut 40 minutes. Q&A and exercises can be added for in-person classes or interactive Zoom sessions. Presenting: To run the presentation, in Google Slides click the down-arrow next to Slideshow (top) and select "Presenter view." The speaker notes appear in a separate window from the slides. In the first slide, click the URL to open the subject matter in The Family History Guide. Then follow the speaker notes to present the material for the class. If you are presenting remotely, make sure you share only the current window with The Family History Guide website, not your entire desktop with the speaker notes window. Each link you open from The Family History Guide appears in a new browser tab. You can close them to return to the current page in The Family History Guide. Followup: Those who attend the presentation can review the material simply by accessing this page——and selecting the class outline to view or download. The speaker notes become the study framework, and the articles and videos can be reviewed in more depth. To locate the articles and videos from the speaker notes more easily in the Choice steps, you can mark their Resource Stars so they stand out on the web page (requires a free Online Tracker account).
Class Outlines
Deliver effective, customizable family history classes with a minimum of preparation.
FAQs: Click here for Class Outlines Questions and Answers
Scroll down to see the tiles for Class Outlines. Links are also available in the corresponding topic pages in The Family History Guide (Research Strategies, England Vital Records, etc.).
The Google Slide for each class contains a set of speaker notes that you use to deliver the course. In Presenter mode, you can open The Family History Guide so learners see the articles and videos you are referring to, but only you see the speaker notes.
Click on the short bar at the bottom of the main slide and drag upwards to show the notes. If you are already familiar with the notes and just need to easily see which articles and videos to use, you can log in to the Online Tracker and mark the stars for those items in the Choices.
No; simply make a local copy of each file you want to use.
Yes. Please refer to the Terms of Use in each Class Outline for details.
Scroll down to "Tips" below and read the Presenting secion for details.
They are typically 20-30 minutes each, but could be longer depeding on the level of detail you use. You are encouraged to personalize the speaker notes content and add personal insights and experiences.
You can teach techniques for using FamilySearch, Ancestry, MyHeritage, and Findmypast right from the Choices and Goals, without needing to use a Class Outline. You can maintain and use personal notes as needed.
Learners can also use Class Outlines as a way to organize their learning, independent of instruction or in cooperation with it.
Yes. We plan on covering Class Outlines for all major countries, as well as Canada provinces and England counties.
A: Memories
B: Learning to Do Research
C: DNA Research
DNA Research, Basic
DNA Testing, Interm.
DNA Research Tools, Interm.
D: United States Research
E: U.S. States
Hawaii, Vital Records
Hawaii, More Records
F: Canada
G: Canada Provinces
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
H: England
I: England Counties
J: Additional Countries
Finland, Archives & Census
Finland, More Records
France Archives and Libraries
France, More Records
Germany Research
Germany Archives, Church, Civil
Germany Emigration & Immigration
Germany, More Records
Greece Research
Greece, More Records
Hungary Research
Hungary, More Records
Ireland Research
Ireland Archives & Libraries
Ireland Civil Registration & Census
Ireland Church & Cemetery
Ireland Emigration
Ireland Land & Probate
Ireland Maps & Newspapers
Ireland Land & Probate Records
Ireland Maps & Gazetteers
Italy Research
Italy Archives & Civ. Registration
Italy Church & Emigration
Italy, More Records
Japan Research
Japan, More Records
Lithuania Research
Lithuania, More Records
Mexico, More Records
Netherlands Research
Netherlands, Census & Civil Reg.
Netherlands, Church & Emigration
Netherlands, More Records
New Zealand Research
New Zealand, More Records
Norway Research
Norway Census
Norway Church & Cemetery Records
Norway Emigration
Norway, More Records
Philippines Research
Poland Research
Poland Archives & Vital Records
Poland, More Records
Portugal Research
Portugal, Church & Emigration
Russia Research
Scotland Research
Scotland Archives, Vital & Census
Scotland Church & Cemetery
Scotland Property & Probate
Scotland Maps & Newspapers
South Africa Research
South Africa, More Records
Spain Research
Spain, More Records
Sweden Research
Sweden Vital Records
Sweden Church & Cemetery Records
Sweden Emigration & Military
Sweden, More Records
Switzerland Research
Switzerland, More Records
Ukraine Research
Ukraine, More Records
Wales Research
Wales Census, Church & Cemetery
Wales, More Records
K: Ethnic
African American
Native American