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Weekly Family History Activities

A Come, Follow Me Companion
for Book of Mormon

Week 52: December 23–29 | Christmas


The Book of Mormon Testifies of Jesus Christ.

From Come, Follow Me:

Consider recording in a journal how studying the Book of Mormon this year has brought you closer to Christ…Maybe there’s someone who would be blessed to know how you feel about the Book of Mormon. How might you share your experiences and testimony?

Record Your Testimony of the Book of Mormon

Elder Christofferson states, "And we write according to our prophecies' suggests the wisdom of making a permanent record of our testimony of Christ. We understand that the testimonies we bear are 'recorded in heaven for the angels to look upon; and they rejoice over [us]' (D&C 62:3). Our own descendants and others may look upon and rejoice over our witness of Christ written or recorded for their benefit."Becoming a Witness of Christ, Ensign, Mar. 2008 

Ideas for recording:

Your Ancestors' Testimonies of the Book of Mormon

Research to find and read the testimonies of the Book of Mormon that your ancestors have hand written or recorded. Make sure they are added to FamilySearch Memories. You and your family members could audio-record written testimonies by reading them while using the audio feature of the FamilySearch Memories App.

Consider creating a booklet or a slide show of the testimonies your ancestors who left a record of their love of and gratitude for Jesus Christ and their witness of the truthfulness of his gospel and the book of Mormon. Add photos and additional stories as you find them. This project would make a wonderful Christmas gift for your family. 

Find stories in FamilySearch Memories or on your fan chart. Check out the All The Stories site to see a searchable list of all the stories anyone has placed on your branch of the FamilySearch tree. Also see 10 Ways to Find Ancestor's Stories. Share stories with your posterity, and be sure they are recorded.

Jesus Christ is Heavenly Father’s gift to me.

From Come, Follow Me:

You and your children could talk about favorite Christmas gifts you have received or hope to receive…and discuss how [Christ] has been a precious gift for us.

Gratitude for the Savior

Watch the clip below from Mr. Krueger's Christmas, and try to feel what it would be like to be in the manger with the newborn Christ-child. Express to each other your feelings about the gift He is to each of us. As you do, may want to also record them in writing or by using the FamilySearch Memories App.

Giving a Gift To The Savior

Your family might benefit from thinking about a special gift each member would like to give to the Savior. Some examples are: making an effort to be kinder to others, reaching out in service, or working to overcome a bad habit. Perhaps your gift could include making a sacrifice of time to do temple and family history work. Go to the Ensign article Gifts for the Savior, to see how one family shares the experience of spending time on Christmas Eve thinking about and then writing the gifts on small pieces of paper. These are placed in a white box, tied with a ribbon and placed under the Christmas tree. On Christmas morning, the white box is opened first, and each family member shares what gift he or she is giving (unless the gift is too personal). This event could also be shared remotely if some members are not in physical attendance. This becomes even more of a “family history” moment when you all share experiences you have had during the last year as a result of giving a special gift to the Savior.

Giving a Gift To The Savior of Doing Temple and Family History Work

President Nelson: “I invite you prayerfully to consider what kind of sacrifice, and preferably a sacrifice of time, you can make to do more family history and temple work ..." Read or watch the full talk "A Sacrifice of Time" here.

Learn more about Temple Baptism and Confirmation for the Dead, Temple Endowment, and Temple Sealings. Check out Ordinances Ready and Ordinances Ready on the FamilySearch App.

See the Activities Index, Latter-day Saints - 2024.

Select and schedule in the activities that will help you to serve those you love and care about on both sides of the veil.

In The Family History Guide, see Temple Opportunities for help with every aspect of finding and taking names to the temple. Learn how to use the FamilySearch fan chart to find those in need of ordinances.

Strengthening Faith in the Savior

From Come, Follow Me:

Stories are one of the best ways to help children learn and remember truths. As you share the story of Jesus’s birth, consider also sharing stories from your life that have helped to strengthen your faith in the Savior.

Express to each other your feelings of how the Savior has changed your lives - his willingness to come to earth, his birth, life, teachings, example, and atoning sacrifice - whatever is in your hearts.

You could audio record this or write your testimonies and add those documents to FamilySearch memories, or video record.

Sharing Testimonies of Christ

Write questions to encourage the sharing of testimonies of Christ on slips of paper and place in a basket. Each member could write one question (or a parent or group leader could have the questions prepared ahead of time). Simplify for younger children.

  • What is a favorite scripture that helped develop your testimony of Christ?
  • When has the atonement been especially meaningful to you?
  • What counsel from the prophets did you follow to strengthen your testimony?
  • Share a time when someone's testimony strengthened yours.
  • What was a time when you felt the love of the Savior in your life?
  • Share a story of an ancestor's faith that has helped you in your life?
  • How have your parents or others taught you gospel truths?
  • In what ways can you show your gratitude for the life, teachings, and atonement of Jesus Christ?

Take turns drawing one slip from the basket and sharing your feelings and gratitude for the Lord's hand in your lives (see O Remember, Remember, Henry B. Eyring - watch a video clip here). Audio recordings of your experience can be recorded on or uploaded to FamilySearch

Act Out the Savior's Birth Story

You can gather costumes and props and make a beautiful memory to treasure and pass on to generations to come. You might want to do this activity with other friends and family members, which would be a memorable experience for all. Be sure to take pictures and to video!

See Matthew 1:18–25; 2; Luke 1:26–38; 2:1–20, and this children’s adaptation of The Nativity Story

Christmas Activities and Memories

As you make Christmas memories, record them to look back on, and also to help your posterity know what traditions you enjoyed. Perhaps they will want to carry on some of them.

Here are some ways to preserve family Christmas memories and history:

  • Record oral histories, photos, and documents
    Ask family members about their Christmas memories, such as what Christmas morning was like as a child, how traditions started, or their favorite holiday dish. You can write down their stories. See FamilySearch Memories App
  • Create a keepsake journal
    Record your family's Christmas stories in a journal. You can use a guided workbook with prompts to help you get started. 
  • Create a Christmas memory book
    Use a book to store photos, Christmas cards, and memories from each year. You could also digitize your items and memories.

Your Personal History

This week's Weekly Family History Activities describes many ways to write about your life, record your testimony, and connect with your ancestors through their journals. As our study of The Book of Mormon through Come, Follow Me draws to a close, Christmas is a perfect time to record your feelings and share them with those you love.

Come, Follow Me suggests the following:

  • “Something I learned or felt about the Savior this year was …”
  • “Learning about the Savior in the Book of Mormon changed the way that I …”
  • “My favorite person [or story] in the Book of Mormon taught me that the Savior ...