Act. Index 2025
Come, Follow Me is a resource offered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is designed to be used in the home to support personal and family scripture study to build faith in Heavenly Father and His plan of salvation and in the Savior Jesus Christ and His Atonement. Come, Follow Me is self-contained and adequate, when used properly. Products and materials designed to supplement this resource, though they may be helpful in some instances, are not necessary for a successful home study program.
Most people around the world have probably never heard of a place called Harmony, Pennsylvania. But the Lord often chooses obscure locations for the most significant events in His kingdom. In a wooded area near Harmony on May 15, 1829, John the Baptist appeared as a resurrected being to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery ... and conferred the Aaronic Priesthood upon them ... At the time, Joseph and Oliver were relatively unknown, much as Harmony was. But service in God's work has always been about how we serve, not about who notices. However small or unseen your contribution may seem at times, you too are a fellow servant in the Lord's great work.
View and share memories of family history sites, travels, missions, houses, (countries, counties, etc.) and places where family members have lived (or now live). Try Google Earth and Instant StreetViews to get started. For more fun (and for research), use The Family History Guide Countries Page along with Google Earth (see this blog post).
I can participate in God's "great and marvelous work."
From Come, Follow Me :
Joseph Knight and David Whitmer both wanted to know how they could help in the work of the Lord. As you read the Lord’s answer to them (Doctrine and Covenants 12; 14), think about what it means to you “to bring forth and establish the cause of Zion” (12:6; see also 14:6).
"Missionary work and family history and temple work are complementary and interrelated aspects of one great work, 'that in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him'" (Ephesians 1:10) "... The artificial boundary line we so often place between missionary work and temple and family history work is being erased; this is one great work of salvation." Missionary, Family History, and Temple Work
Plan a get-together and divide all group members into missionary companionships. Have friends (including ward or stake family history consultants) or family members role-play being “contacts.” Those who are role-playing missionaries can then practice door approaches with this guidance from Preach My Gospel: "Talk to people about their families. Help them see how the restored gospel can be a blessing to their families. Offer to help them find the names of grandparents, great-grandparents, or other ancestors. Enlist the help of ward temple and family history consultants." You could invite friends, consultants, or extended family members to help with this role-play activity.
Add the following after the section on baptism (Doctrine and Covenants 13) - the last sentence is "This would be a beautiful gift for anyone of any age preparing for baptism or just a wonderful way to share memories with those you love."
Ordinances give me access to God's power.
From Come, Follow Me :
What blessings has the Savior given you through priesthood ordinances?
"... priesthood ordinances and covenants provide access to the fulness of the blessings promised to us by God, which are made possible by the Savior’s Atonement. They arm sons and daughters of God with power, God’s power, and provide us with the opportunity to receive eternal life—to return to God’s presence and live with Him in His eternal family." (Do We Know What We Have? Carole M. Stephens)
Elder Dale G. Renlund stated, "Through our covenants and ordinances, we have access to the power of godliness in our lives--no matter our circumstances. That power of godliness comes because we’ve entered into a covenant that’s been part of an ordinance. And as we keep that covenant, then the power of godliness can be in our lives...Our ability to access the power of godliness depends on us keeping the covenants we’ve made with Him." (How We Can Access the Power of the Temple during COVID-19)
Watch the video above highlighting how holding a temple recommend can give you strength to keep your temple covenants. Discuss as a family how you receive power from the temple to face the challenges of life. Look over the Temple Recommend Interview Questions which are made public so members of all ages can better understand the requirements for temple worship and prepare to enter the temple.
Set goals as a family to make temple and family history more a part of your lives.
In just one sentence, John the Baptist revealed many truths about the Aaronic Priesthood. Consider listing everything you learn from this section (including from the section heading). You might find it helpful to study some of the phrases you find. Here are some examples to get you started:
What blessings have you received through the ordinances of the Aaronic Priesthood?
Help younger children and others who have not yet been baptized express their feelings about looking forward to that day. What does baptism mean to you?
Capture these stories as they are being told, using the FamilySearch Memories App, or use Record My Story (see this blog post). You might want to create a folder, book, or digital file of baptism memories of family members. When and where were you baptized? Who baptized you? How did you feel when you were baptized? Who attended? How did making covenants change your life? Upload the photos to FamilySearch Memories. This would be a beautiful gift for anyone of any age preparing for baptism or just a wonderful way to share memories with those you love.