1: Research and Records   2: Archives and Libraries   3: Vital and Census Records   4: Church and Cemetery Records   5: Emigration and Immigration   6: Military Records   7: Probate, Land and Court   8: Maps and Gazetteers   9: Newspapers   10: Get Help              Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF


Goal 10: Get Help

[ Alabama   Alaska   Arizona   Arkansas   California   Colorado   Connecticut   Delaware   Florida   Georgia   Hawaii   Idaho   Illinois   Indiana   Iowa   Kansas   Kentucky   Louisiana   Maine   Maryland   Massachusetts   Michigan   Minnesota   Mississippi   Missouri   Montana   Nebraska   Nevada   New Hampshire   New Jersey   New Mexico   New York   North Carolina   North Dakota   Ohio   Oklahoma   Oregon   Pennsylvania   Rhode Island   South Carolina   South Dakota   Tennessee   Texas   Utah   Vermont   Virginia   Washington   West Virginia   Wisconsin   Wyoming    Washington D.C.    Puerto Rico ]

Partner Records:  FamilySearch   Ancestry   Findmypast   MyHeritage   More  |  Websites:  FS Wiki      US GenWeb   GenealogyLinks

(United States)    IL Counties

Goal 10: Get help with your Illinois research.


AUse Facebook pages to get answers to your questions.

  1. Visit the Illinois Genealogy Network page on Facebook.
  2. Visit the Illinois Genealogy page on Facebook.
  3. Visit the U.S. Midwest Genealogy Research page on Facebook.
  4. See the Genealogy on Facebook list of Facebook groups dedicated to helping with research for Illinois.
  5. Explore Illinois research questions in the Genealogy Stack Exchange.

BJoin a mailing list or message board for Illinois research.

  1. Join the RootsChat forum and post questions about Illinois research.
  2. Explore the Illinois research mailing lists on Cyndi's List.
  3. Use the Ancestry message boards to read or post questions about Illinois research.
  4. Get personalized help from a research volunteer at the Family History Library.
  5. Request scans or indexes from catalog records available at the Family History Library.

CLearn about Illinois genealogy societies.

  1. Learn about genealogy societies in Illinois in this FamilySearch Wiki article.

    FS—Wiki: Illinois Societies

  2. Explore the Illinois State Genealogical Society site.
  3. Explore the Chicago Genealogical Society site.
  4. Explore Illinois genealogy society sites on Cyndi's List.
  5. Get help at a FamilySearch center in Illinois.

Regional/Local Societies


Illinois Counties

Name = FamilySearch; A = Ancestry; L = Linkpendium; G = Genealogy Inc; T=GenealogyTrails; U = USGenWeb

Get a printable map of counties.

Get an interactive map of counties.

Illinois Counties

Name = FamilySearch; A = Ancestry; L = Linkpendium; G = Genealogy Inc; T=GenealogyTrails; U = USGenWeb

Get a printable map of counties.

Get an interactive map of counties.