1. Anytime Activities
2. Plan-Ahead Activities
3. Making Family History
4. Documenting the Past
5. Social Media Activities
6. Service Activities
7. Activities for Research
8. Latter-day Saint Activities
Kids Corner |
Nothing makes family history more meaningful than personal involvement. Your life (and the lives of those you love) can be enriched through family history activities. Check out the activities on this page for ideas to get started.
Overview: Family history activities and service can help provide a sense of belonging and can promote unity within your family, your ward family, your friend groups, and with your ancestors.
Note to Young Adults : You are a part of the "rising generations" spoken of in Doctrine and Covenants 69:8. As with every new generation, you have unique gifts and opportunities. Included in those opportunities is your chance to become involved at an early age with family history and temple work. Family history activities and service can help provide a sense of belonging and can promote unity with your family, your ward family, and with your ancestors.
The Weekly Family History Activities provide related family history activities for each week. These can enrich your home-centered gospel study, while aiding you in reaping the benefits and blessings of incorporating more family history into your life. See the "Schedule" link at the top of the page to find individual lessons.
Activities marked by an asterisk (*) take little or no prep time.