1: Navigate Your Tree   2: Edit Person Information   3: Add or Remove People    4: Explore Hints, Merge Records   FMP Project 2                     Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

Project 2: Findmypast Tree

Goal 2: Edit Person Information

Goal 2: Edit or add information for people in your tree.

Knowing how to edit and add information is essential to keeping your Findmypast tree up-to-date.


A View and edit information in a person's profile.

  1. Open the person's profile (see Choice C in Goal 1) and click the Facts and Events tab.
  2. To sort the facts and events by date, click the View Facts & Events chronologically button. To sort by name, click the View Facts & Events alphabetically button.
  3. To edit a fact,
    a) Hover over it and click the pencil icon that appears;
    b) In the Edit dialog, change fields as needed;
    c) If you want to mark a field as Preferred (it appears in the tree, instead of another version of this fact) or Private (it does not appear when others view your tree), check the corresponding boxes in the dialog; and
    c) Click Save Fact.
  4. To add a fact,
    a) Click Add Fact (Facts and Events tab);
    b) In the "Add fact" dialog, select a fact type from the list, or type an entry in the "Select fact type" box to search for it;
    c) Fill in the fields; and
    c) Click Add Fact.
  5. To create a custom fact,
    a) Click Add Fact (Facts and Events tab);
    b) Click "Create custom fact" (near the top);
    c) Fill in the fields; and
    c) Click Add Fact.
  6. To remove a fact,
    a) Hover over it and click the trash icon that appears; and
    b) In the warning dialog, Click Delete.

B Add a note for an individual.

  1. Open a person's Profile and click the Notes tab.
  2. Click the Add note button.
  3. In the Note box, type the note content.
  4. If you want to mark the note as private so it won't be seen by others who have access to your tree, check the "Private" box.
  5. Click Add note.
