1: PC Apps   2: Mac Apps   3: Google Apps   4: Learn Social Media   5: Social Media for Genealogy   6: Technology from Ancestry (AN)   7: Learn about Artificial Intelligence   AC Project 6                            Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

Project 6: Technology

Goal 6: Ancestry Technology

Goal 6: Use technology from Ancestry.com.

This Goal helps you learn about using Ancestry mobile apps and social media.


ADownload and use free Ancestry mobile apps.

  1. In the Products and Services tile of the Homepage (upper right), click "Download Our Mobile Apps". (You can also get to this screen by choosing iOS and Android Apps in the Extras menu.)
  2. At the bottom of the screen, click the button for the Apple App Store, or Google Play, or Amazon.
  3. Click Free download or Install, depending on your selection. For Amazon, you will need to sign in to your account first.

BFollow Ancestry on social media.

  1. At the bottom right of the Homepage, find the "Connect with us" section.
  2. Click "Facebook" to see the Ancestry Facebook page.
  3. Click "Twitter" to see the Ancestry Twitter page.
  4. Click "YouTube" to see the Ancestry channel on YouTube.
  5. Click "Instagram" to see the Ancestry Instagram page.
  6. Click "TikTok" to see the Ancestry TikTok page.