1: PC Apps   2: Mac Apps   3: Google Apps   4: Learn Social Media   5: Social Media for Genealogy   6: Technology from MyHeritage (MH)   7: Learn about Artificial Intelligence   MH Project 6                      Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

Project 7: Technology

Goal 1:PC Apps

Goal 2: Learn how to use Macintosh apps.


A Get started with Pages for Mac or LibreOffice Writer.

  1. Learn about using Pages for word processing.


  2. Watch this tutorial video for using Pages on the Mac.

    Pages Tutorial for Beginners (12:32)

  3. Get help from the Apple site for building Pages documents.
  4. Here are some tips for using Pages.

    Tips for How to Use Pages for Mac - 2017.

  5. Get started with this tutorial for Writer.

    LibreOffice Tutorial #1.

  6. For more information on using Writer, use the LibreOffice Getting Started document.

    Getting Started with Writer.

B Get started with Numbers for Mac.

  1. Watch this video for an introduction to Numbers on the Mac.

    Getting Started with Numbers for Mac (3:52) - 2016

  2. Get help from the Apple site for Numbers spreadsheets.
  3. Here are some tips for using Numbers.

    10 Tips for Getting the Most out of Numbers - 2015.

  4. Learn how to import Microsoft Excel spreadsheets into Numbers on the Mac.

    How to Open Excel Spreadsheets on a Mac.

  5. Get started with this tutorial for LibreOffice Calc.

    LibreOffice Tutorial #1

  6. For more information on using Calc, use the LibreOffice Getting Started document.

    Getting Started with Calc

C Get an introduction to Keynote for Mac or LibreOffice Impress.

  1. Get started with the Apple tutorial for Keynote.
  2. Watch this video to learn the basics of Keynote.

    Complete Beginner's Guide to Keynote (34:48)

  3. Learn how to develop skills with Keynote.

    20 Fantastic Tutorials for Learning Apple Keynote

  4. Get started with this tutorial for Impress.

    LibreOffice Tutorial #1

  5. For more information on using Impress, use the LibreOffice Getting Started document.

    Getting Started with Impress

D Learn to use Mail.

  1. Get help from the Apple site for Mail.
  2. Learn about Setting up Mail for the Mac.
  3. Follow this tutorial for Mac Mail.

    Mac Mail Tutorial