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Ivory Coast

Goal 3 for Africa

Goal 1: Learn about Ivory Coast research and records.


ALearn how to find records for ancestors from Ivory Coast.

  1. Overview: Read this page for an overview of resources in Ivory Coast.

    FS—Wiki: Ivory Coast Genealogy

  2. Records: Learn about civil registration in Ivory Coast.

    FS—Wiki: Ivory Coast Civil Registration

  3. Learn about census records in Ivory Coast.

    FS—Wiki: Ivory Coast Census

  4. Learn about church records in Ivory Coast.

    FS—Wiki: Ivory Coast Church Records

  5. Sites: Explore common Ivory Coast surnames on the Forebears site.
  6. Explore Ivory Coast cemetery records on the on the BillionGraves site.
  7. Explore Ivory Coast cemetery records on the Find A Grave site.


BExplore Ivory Coast map resources.

  1. Explore the Perry-Castaneda site for Ivory Coast.
  2. Explore the David Rumsey collection of Ivory Coast maps.
  3. Explore the Old Maps Online site for Ivory Coast maps.
  4. Explore the Atlas of the Ivory Coast on the Wikipedia site.
  5. Explore the Old Maps of Africa on the Wikipedia site.