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African American

Goal 5: Breaking through Barriers

Goal 5: Break through barriers in your African American research.


ALearn about African American research challenges and breakthroughs.

  1. Challenges: Learn about challenges you may face in researching your African American ancestors.

    AC—Research Challenges—23:00 - 2012

  2. Watch these videos to learn about problem solving with African American records.

    AAC—The Master Quilter—13:25
    AAC—Knotted Threads—6:04

  3. DNA: Learn how DNA testing is transforming African American research.

    LT—DNA: Transforming African-American Genealogy

  4. Read these case studies of how DNA research can help break through genealogy brick walls.

    A Genealogical Puzzle: Cluster Genealogy, Slave Ancestral Research, and DNA Crack a Longtime Brick Wall - 2022
    Finding Gems Along the DNA Trails - 2021

  5. Here is an additional case study and discussion of DNA research principles.

    Genetic Genealogy Rebuilds a Dismantled Enslaved Family - 2019

  6. Here are some additional tips for using DNA test results with African American research.

    Ten DNA Sleuthing Tips - 2020

  7. Message Boards: Use the Ancestry message boards to read or post questions about African American research.

BTrace your slave ancestors before the Civil War.

  1. Pre-Civil War: Watch this video for ideas on finding slave ancestry before the U.S. Civil War.

    FS—Finding the Slave Generation—18:00 - 2011

  2. Learn how to break through the research "wall" of finding ancestors before 1870.

    AC—African American 1870 Wall—30:00 - 2014

    AF—Tips on Researching African American Heritage Before 1870 (2018)

  3. Learn how to find ancestors before the Civil War period.

    AAC—Straddling the Civil War—10:09

  4. Learn about breaking barriers for researching enslaved ancestors.

    AA—Researching Enslaved Ancestors—62:28 - 2024

  5. Plantation Records: Learn about using plantation records to do African American research.

    FS—African American Research Using Plantation Records—5 pgs. - 2015

  6. Census Mortality Schedules: Learn how U.S. census mortality schedules can help with early African American research.

    HD—How Using Mortality Schedules Can Improve Your African American Genealogy Research - 2021
