1: Research   2: Civil Registers   3: Immigration   4: Churches & Cemeteries   5: Maps   6: Newspapers   7: Geo/Culture/History   8: Get Help     Goals 1-2  |  Goals 3-6, 8             Tracker     KB-Intl.    Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF


Goal 3: Immigration


Partners and Sites:   FamilySearch   Ancestry   MyHeritage  |  Websites:   FS Wiki   GenealogyLinks

Belgium Provinces

Goal 3: Learn about Belgium immigration.


ALearn about Belgium immigration.

  1. Overview: Learn about emigration and immigration in these articles.

    FS—Wiki: Belgium Emigration and Immigration
    Wikipedia: Belgian Americans

  2. Town of Origin: Learn how to find your ancestor's town of origin in Belgium.

    FS—Wiki: Belgium Finding Town of Origin

  3. Ships and Passengers: Explore the Immigrant Ships site. Select a Volume, then choose Belgium as the departure or arrival location.
  4. Use ship manifests to locate Belgian immigrants to the U.S.

    Part I: A Brief History - 2020
    Part II: Research Tips - 2020

  5. Explore Belgium passenger lists on the GenealogyLinks site.
  6. Jewish: Explore the Jewish Genealogy Encyclopedia for Jewish resources in Belgium.
  7. Netherlands: Learn how to find Belgian immigrants in the Netherlands.

    LT—Finding Belgian Ancestors in the Netherlands

  8. United States: Learn about finding Belgian immigrants in the United States.

    RT—How to trace your belgian ancestors in the USA—34:09

    Belgian Immigration to America between 1880 and World War I - 2019

  9. Learn how to use U.S. naturalization records to find your Belgian ancestors.

    Finding Your Belgian Ancestor in U.S. Naturalization Records - 2021


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