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Goal 8: Get Help


Partners and Sites:   FamilySearch   Ancestry   MyHeritage  |  Websites:   FS Wiki   GenealogyLinks

Goal 8: Get help with your Croatia research.


AUse Facebook pages to get answers to your questions.

  1. See the Croatian Heritage and Genealogy Facebook page.
  2. Visit the Eastern European Research Facebook page for FamilySearch.
  3. See the Genealogy on Facebook list of Facebook groups dedicated to helping with research for Croatia.

BJoin a mailing list, community, or message board for Croatia research.

  1. Explore the FamilySearch community for Croatia (Austro-Hungarian Empire) research.
  2. Get personalized help from a research volunteer at the Family History Library.
  3. Request scans or indexes from catalog records available at the Family History Library.
  4. Use the Ancestry message boards to read or post questions about Croatia research.
  5. Explore the Croatia research mailing lists on Cyndi's List.

CLearn about Croatia genealogy societies.

  1. Explore Croatia genealogy society sites on Cyndi's List.
  2. Get help at a FamilySearch center in Croatia.