1: Research   2: Census/Civil Reg.   3: Church and Cemetery Records   4: Arkivalieronline   5: Emigration and Immigration   6: Military Records   7: Archives and Libraries   8: Maps and Gazetteers   9: Newspapers   10: Probate Records   11: Geo/Culture/History   12: Get Help               Tracker     KB-Intl.    Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF


Goal 2: Census, Civil Registration


Partners and Sites:   FamilySearch   Ancestry   MyHeritage  |  Websites:   FS Wiki   GenealogyLinks

Denmark Counties

Goal 2: Learn to use Danish census and civil registration records.


ALearn about Danish census records.

  1. FamilySearch: Learn about the Danish census in this FamilySearch Wiki article. Note the sections on Danish Census Headings, Online Census Extractions, and the Danish Demographic Database.

    FS—Wiki: Denmark Census   

  2. Watch this video for an introduction to Danish census records.

    FS—Intro to Danish Census—48:00 - 2017

  3. DDD: Learn how to find census information on the Danish Demographical Database.

    FS—Danish Demographical Database—37:20 - 2014
    FS—Guide to the Danish Demographic Database—4 pgs. - 2014

BExplore Denmark Census records.

  1. Explore Danish census databases on the DDD site.
  2. Sites: Explore the Arkivalier Online site for census records.
  3. Explore the Danish Family Search site for census records.
  4. Explore the Wiki links for Census for more information.
  5. Explore Danish census databases on the OnGenealogy site.


  Record Search Practice  |   Hints  |   Answers


CLearn about Danish civil registration.

  1. Basics: Learn about civil registration in this FamilySearch Wiki article.

    FS—Denmark Civil Registration

  2. Learn about the history and process of civil registration in Denmark.

    The Danish Civil Registration System - 2011

  3. Learn strategies for finding vital records in Denmark, from 1467 to the present.

    FS Wiki—Denmark Birth, Marriage, and Death Search Strategies 1467 - Present

Copenhagen Research
  1. Learn about using house registers in Copenhagen.

    House Registers 1772-1835

  2. Learn about old-age pension records.

    Old age pension 1891-1928

  3. Learn about poor and welfare service records in Copenhagen.

    The Poor and Welfare Service 1799-1940

  4. Learn about funeral records in Copenhagen.

    Funerals in Copenhagen

  Record Search Practice, Births  |   Hints  |   Answers

  Record Search Practice, Marriages  |   Hints  |   Answers