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Goal 3 for Eastern Europe

Goal 3: Learn about Estonia research and records.


AGet started with Estonia research.

  1. FamilySearch: Learn about Estonia genealogy in this FamilySearch Wiki article.

    FS—Wiki: Estonia

  2. Resources: Read this article for an overview of Estonian genealogy resources. It also has useful links to databases for research.

    VAU: Genealogy

  3. Explore resources available on the FEEFHS site.
  4. Tips: Get tips for Estonian research in this blog article.

    My Top 3 List, Estonian Genealogy - 2014

  5. Archives & Libraries: Learn about Estonia archives and libraries in this FamilySearch Wiki article.

    FS—Wiki: Estonia Archives and Libraries

  6. Word List: Use this Estonian word list to aid in record translation.

    FS—Wiki: Estonian Genealogical Word List

  1. Census: Learn about Estonia census records in this FamilySearch Wiki article.

    FS—Wiki: Estonia Census

  2. Church: Learn about Estonia church records in this FamilySearch Wiki article.

    FS—Wiki: Estonia Church Records

  3. Record Finder: Use the Estonia Record Finder to understand record types for research.

    FS—Wiki: Estonia Record Finder


BExplore additional resources for research.

  1. Cemetery: Explore the Cemetery Portal of Estonia site.
  2. Search the Find A Grave site for cemetery records.
  3. Search the BillionGraves site for cemetery records.
  4. Archives Portal: Explore the Archives Portal Europe site. Click the Directories link and then select Estonia.
  5. Jewish: Explore the Jewish Genealogy Encyclopedia for Jewish resources in Estonia.
  6. Surnames: Search the Geneanet site for Estonian surnames.

CExplore Estonia map resources.

  1. Explore the Perry-Castaneda site for maps of Estonia.
  2. Explore the David Rumsey collection of Belarus maps.
  3. Explore the Old Maps Online site for Estonia maps.
  4. Explore the Atlas of Estonia on the Wikipedia site.
  5. Explore the Old Maps of Estonia on the Wikipedia site.
  6. Explore FamilySearch Places to learn about place names in Estonia, from 1721-1918, or 1918-1940, or 1940-1991, or 1991 to present.
  7. Explore a directory of Estonia cities, towns, and regions in the Falling Rain site.

DLearn about Estonia newspapers.

  1. Find links to Estonia newspapers on the Wikipedia site.
  2. Search Estonia newspapers in the onlinenewspapers.com site.
  3. Search Estonia newspapers in the world-newspapers.com site.
  4. Search Estonia newspapers in the ABYZ News Links site.

EUse Facebook and other pages to get answers to your questions.