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Goal 2: Archives and Libraries


Partners and Sites:   FamilySearch   Ancestry   MyHeritage  |  Websites:   FS Wiki   GenealogyLinks

Goal 2: Learn about Greek archives and libraries.


ALearn about Greek archives and libraries.

  1. Introduction: Get an overview of Greek archive and library resources in these articles.

    FS—Wiki: Greece Archives and Libraries
    MH Wiki—Greek Archives

  2. National Archives: Learn how to navigate the Greek National Archives.

    FS—Wiki: How to Navigate the Greek National Archives - 2010

  3. Resources: Learn about libraries, books, websites and newspapers for research.

    Resources for Research in Greece: Libraries, Websites, Books, Newspapers—21:01 - 2015

  4. Search for free online books on Greece research on the FamilySearch site.
  5. Explore the resources at the Greek State Archives.
  6. Explore the Archives Portal Europe site.