1: Research   2: Census   3: Church and Cemetery Records   4: Emigration and Immigration   5: Maps and Gazetteers   6: Newspapers   7: Geo/Culture/History   8: Get Help               Tracker     KB-Intl.    Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF


Goal 2: Census



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Goal 2: Learn about Iceland census records and the National Registry.


AGet an introduction to Iceland census records.

  1. Learn about Iceland census records in this FamilySearch Wiki article.

    FS—Wiki: Iceland Census Records   

  2. Get familiar with Iceland census records online.

    Iceland Census Records Online - 2014

  3. Learn about the first Iceland census, taken in 1703.

    The 1703 Census of Iceland

  4. Search the National Archives of Iceland Census Database.
  5. Explore Iceland census headings from 1901 to 1703.

  Record Search Practice, Census  |   Hints  |   Answers