1: Research   2: Archives and Libraries   3: Census Records   4: Church and Cemetery Records   5: Emigration and Immigration   6: Farm Books   7: Civil and Vital Records   8: Probate Records   9: Maps and Gazetteers   10: Newspapers   11: Geo/Culture/History   12: Get Help               Tracker     KB-Intl.    Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF


Goal 5: Emigration and Immigration


Partners and Sites:   FamilySearch   Ancestry   MyHeritage  |  Websites:   FS Wiki   GenealogyLinks

Norway Counties

Goal 5: Learn about Norwegian emigration and immigration.


ALearn about Norwegian emigration and immigration.

  1. Overview: Learn about Norway emigration and immigration in this article and video.

    FS—Wiki: Norway Emigration and Immigration   
    FS—Norwegian Emigration—44:06 - 2015

  2. Learn about immigration history and demographics in this Wikipedia article.

    Wikipedia: Norwegian Americans

  3. Resources: Watch this video to learn how to use United States and Norwegian records to discover ancestors.

    FS—From America to Norway—27:24 - 2016

  4. Learn about resources from the Norwegian Emigrant Library.

    RT—Norwegian Emigration through the Years—24:54 - 2021

  5. Learn more about Norwegian immigration and migration.

    FS—Norwegian Migration and Immigration—40:42 - 2015

  6. Records: Here's an overview of Norwegian emigration history and records. See more information in the links on the right side of the linked page.

    FS—Pre-1867 Emigration Records from Norway: Norwegian American Genealogical Center—3:49 - 2019

  Record Search Practice, Emigration  |   Hints  |   Answers


Early Emigration

  1. Learn about the history of Norwegian emigration.

    FS—Pre-1867 Emigration Records from Norway: History of Norwegian Emigration—3:49 - 2019

  2. Learn how to find records for ancestors who emigrated in the 1600's and 1700's.

    FS—Pre-1867 Emigration Records from Norway: Emigration in the 1600 and 1700s—7:30 - 2019

  3. Learn about websites you can use to track early immigrants from Norway.

    FS—Pre-1867 Emigration Records from Norway: Websites of Early Emigrants—15:58 - 2019

  4. Learn how to use the Norwegian American Genealogical Center database for early emigration to America.

    FS—Pre-1867 Emigration Records from Norway: Norwegian American Genealogical Center—3:49 - 2019

BExplore Norwegian emigration resources.

  1. Place of Origin: Learn how to find places of ancestor origin in Norwegian emigration records.

    FS—Exploring Norwegian Emigration Records: Finding Place of Origin—41:55 - 2019

  2. Digitalarkivet: Explore emigration resources from Norway on the DigitalArkivet site.
  3. Explore other Norwegian Emigration resources on the Internet.
  4. Immigrant Ships: Explore the Immigrant Ships site. Select a Volume, then choose Norway as the departure or arrival location.
  5. Emigration Center: Explore the Norwegian Emigration Center online.
  6. Jewish: Explore the Jewish Genealogy Encyclopedia for Jewish resources in Norway.

CExplore Norway passenger ship information on the Norway Heritage site.

  1. Access the Norway Heritage site for passenger lists and information on emigrant ships.
  2. Read the articles about Norwegian emigration in the lower middle section of the page, beginning with "Articles for Newbies".
  3. Search for immigrant passengers using the top section of the page.
  4. Search for immigrants by specific ship information on the left side of the page.