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South Africa

Goal 2: Archives and Libraries

Partners and Sites:   FamilySearch   Ancestry   MyHeritage  |  Websites:   FS Wiki   GenealogyLinks

South Africa Provinces

Goal 2: Learn about South Africa archives and libraries.


ALearn about South Africa archives and libraries.

  1. Learn about South Africa archives and libraries in this FamilySearch Wiki article.

    FS—Wiki: South Africa Archives and Libraries

  2. Learn more about genealogy archives in South Africa.

    LT—South African Genealogy Archives Using MyHeritage

  3. National Archives: Learn about the South Africa National Archives.

    FS—South Africa Archives and Libraries—41:53 - 2014
    FS—Wiki: South Africa National Archives—2 pgs. - 2014

  4. Learn about the record types available at the South Africa National Archives.

    LT—Wiki: A Look at the National Archives of South Africa

  5. Explore resources in the South Africa National Archives site.
  6. Search for free online books on South Africa research on the FamilySearch site.
  7. Books We Own: Explore the Books We Own site for books that can be checked out or researched for you by others.


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