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Quick Prep for Training

Use a quick and easy preparation approach for informal training.

Using Resource Stars and Info Links

This Quick Prep approach can be useful for informal mentoring or training session, or classes where you are comfortable expanding on and discussing material from selected articles and videos in The Family History Guide. No slide decks or handouts are needed, and learners can easily review website content after the training.

Quick Prep uses Resource Stars to mark the training items you want to use in The Family History Guide. Click here to learn more about Resource Stars.


Here are the basic steps for using Quick Prep:

  1. Log in to the Online Tracker. If you need to register for a free account, you can do that on the login screen.
  2. In The Family History Guide, review the Choice(s) you want to cover in the training and choose the articles and videos you want to reference and study their content.
  3. For each selected article or video, click the Resource Star just before the link title. This darkens the star, to remind you to use the item in your training. Note: If you have previously marked stars in a Choice, you can clear them as needed for the training, and then restore them afterwards.
  4. If Info links are available for selected videos, open them to decide whether you want to focus on certain video topics in the training. You can click on topic links to go directly to the corresponding timing in the video.


The example below uses Choice A from Goal A1 in the United States page. The selected articles to discuss are "20 Family History Resources" (step 2) and "The Importance of Using Original Records" (step 4). The selected video is "It's Worth It: Obtaining Original Records" (also step 4). The Info button for the video has been clicked, showing the topic links that can be quickly accessed in the training.