1. Anytime Activities   2. Plan-Ahead Activities   3. Making Family History   4. Documenting the Past   5. Social Media Activities   6. Service Activities   7. Activities for Research   8. Latter-day Saint Activities   9. 5-Minute Ideas for Latter-day Saints   10. 5-Minute Ideas for Everyone      Individuals    Youth    Kids Corner   |    Index       Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

Family Activities

7. Activities for Research

* Family  |   Individuals  |   Youth  |   Children

With a bit of planning and a list of ideas, family history activities can become part of your everyday lives and unite your family in remarkable ways. Try some of the activities described on this page and see how your past and present can come together. As you do, you can strengthen family relationships, build your family tree, and make fun family memories.

See also this list of Five Minute Family History Activities for everyone.

7. Activities for Research

Overview: There are some great aids available to help you do your family history online.

Activities marked by an asterisk (*) take little or no prep time.

F7-01: The Family History Guide Tracker
Use the Online Tracker to help you keep track of your learning progress as you do research. Invite family or group members to check off what they have learned to do, and to set new goals. See the blog post for details.

F7-02: Add to the Tree
Have a family get-together to add family member information on FamilySearch, MyHeritage, Ancestry, or Findmypast. You can also use mobile apps for FamilySearch Family Tree and Memories, Ancestry, and My Heritage. Use The Family History Guide to get help using each Learning Path.

*F7-03: Use Kinmapper
The Kinmapper app uses data provided by your FamilySearch family tree to map the locations where your ancestors lived and traveled. Have fun finding places and sharing stories! An example is found in this blog post.

F7-04: Learn the Stories of Your Ancestors
Watch Family History: What I Found to see how one man discovered his grandfather’s stories. Plan ways to discover and preserve stories about your ancestors. Check out this list of ways to find and share family history stories.

*F7-05: 20 Questions with Country Pages
Have everyone in the group use a handheld device or computer to select a country from the Countries page in The Family History Guide; then play Twenty Questions using the information for that country.

*F7-06: Compare-A-Face
Research where you got your good looks using the Compare-A-Face FamilySearch App. Have a guessing game as faces from your family tree are compared. See how fun and easy it is in this blog post.

*F7-07: Family History Scavenger Hunt
In this series of blog posts by Miles Meyer, you are taken on a daily scavenger hunt, with each day offering a simple research challenge. There are 27 daily challenges in all.

F7-08: Adding Sources
Add sources to the profiles of your ancestors with help from The Family History Guide, FamilySearch Family Tree Project 1, Goal 8: Adding Sources. You just may be astounded by the wealth of information you can gather and attach to your ancestors! If you need help setting up an account and starting your pedigree chart, see FamilySearch Project 1.

F7-09: Record Hints
Find record hints on your tree by signing into your FamilySearch account with the information found here, or you can a) access the fan chart on the FamilySearch Tree, b) click the "Research Helps" option and c) use the "Record Hint" option that appears on the right side.

For more information on using the new fan chart options in FamilySearch, read this blog article.

*F7-10: Geography, Culture, History
Learn about the culture in the countries of your ancestors. View the Countries page in The Family History Guide. Most countries will have a Geo/Culture/History goal, but some do not. Select a country such as the example of Slovakia above. You can see the last Goal (11) is Geo/Culture/History. Click on it and explore websites and videos about the country or countries of your ancestors. If the Ducksters website is available for your country, it is a great option for kids.

F7-11: Ancestor Marriages
Talk about the marriages of your ancestors and read any that have been uploaded to FamilySearch (or that you would like to upload). Find them using the FamilySearch Fan Chart, the All The Stories site, or any of the resources in this list of 10 Ways to Find Ancestor's Stories. Be sure to check your relationships to them in FamilySearch as you get to know these stories.

Find more activities here:  1. Anytime Activities and Games   2. Plan-Ahead Activities   3. Making Family History   4. Documenting the Past   5. Social Media Activities   6. Service Activities   8. Latter-day Saint Activities