1. Anytime Activities   2. Plan-Ahead Activities   3. Making Family History   4. Documenting the Past   5. Social Media Activities   6. Service Activities   7. Activities for Research   8. Latter-day Saint Activities   9. 5-Minute Ideas for Latter-day Saints   10. 5-Minute Ideas for Everyone     Index       Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

Family Activities

9. Five-Minute Ideas for

* Family  |   Individuals  |   Youth  |   Children

With a bit of planning and a list of ideas, family history activities can become part of your everyday lives and unite your family in remarkable ways. Try some of the activities described on this page and see how your past and present can come together. As you do, you can strengthen family relationships, build your family tree, and make fun family memories.

10. Five-Minute Family History Activities for Everyone

See also: Family History Resources for Parents

To get started, use this list of Five Minute Family History Activities for everyone.