1: Get Organized   2: Learn the Basics   3: Form a Strategy   4: FamilySearch Record Searches (FS)   5: FamilySearch Research Tools (FS)   6: Develop Search Skills   7: Solve Problems   8: Family History Trips   9: FamilySearch Places (FS)   10: Where Am I From? (FS)   11: Reading Handwriting   FS Project 4              Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

Project 4: Discover

Goal 9: FamilySearch Places & the Solutions Gallery

Goal 9: Use FamilySearch Places and apps from the FamilySearch Solutions Gallery.

The FamilySearch Solutions Gallery is a growing collection of family history software and sites that complement FamilySearch; some are additionally certified by FamilySearch.


A Get started with FamilySearch Places.

For an overview of FamilySearch Places, read this blog post.

  1. Go to the FamilySearch Places page.
  2. In the search box (upper left) type the name of the place you want.
  3. Select a place from the list at the left to show the location in the map on the right. Pins are displayed in the map to match available locations.
  4. You can use the following map options:
    • To change the view, click and drag the map.
    • To change the zoom, click the plus or minus icons or use the mouse wheel.
    • To use full-screen view, click the full-screen icon.
    • To switch to satellite view in Google, click the Satellite button (upper right).
    • To collapse the list of places at the left, click the left arrow. To expand the list, click the right arrow.
    • If available, click the "Show Borders" button on the map to see geographic borders for the place you are viewing.
    • To collapse the research information at the bottom of the screen, click the down arrow arrow. To expand the information, click the up arrow.
  5. To learn more about the place, read the information tiles below the map: Basic Information, Historical Information, Alternate Names, and Citations. You may need to click Show More to see additional information.
  6. You can scroll through the list of places on the left or use the Next or Previous buttons. Using the buttons repopulates the pins on the map to match the entries in the left-panel list.

  1. To learn more about FamilySearch Places, read these articles.

    FS—How do I use the Place Research Tool in my family history research? - 2020
    FS—Research Your Family Tree Map with FamilySearch Places Tool - 2020

B Use additional search options.

  1. In the left panel, click "Places in this Country" (or State, Territory, Village, etc.). A list of place links appears in the left panel to match your selection, including the time period for your choice.
  2. To search in a selected area on the map,
    a) Click a spot on the map;
    b) In the "How far from this point?" box, type the number of miles or kilometers to include in the search; and
    c) Click Search. Additional pins appear as available, within a circle range indicated on the map.
  3. To filter the type of places you are looking for, click "+Add Filter" (upper left), and then type a place type and select it from the list. You can also specify the exact year for the search, or a range of years.

C Explore apps and websites in the Solutions Gallery.

  1. For items to help you work with research, see these categories:
  2. To use filters for the list of items, click Filters and then select a filter to restrict the number of items viewed. You can select the same item again to clear its filter.
  3. To search for an item, type its name in the Search field and press Enter. You can then click the Sort By menu to rearrange the results, or click the "Start Over" link to clear the search results.