1: Learn about Indexing   2: Get Started   3: Index Batches   4: Improve Skills   5: Collaborate with Others   6: Read Difficult Handwriting   FS Project 5                   Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

Project 5: Indexing

Goal 4: Improve Indexing Skills

Goal 4: Improve your basic indexing skills.


When you master a few essential indexing techniques, your work will go faster and smoother.


A Work on basic indexing techniques.

Here are some resources to help you improve your indexing skills:

If a place name is difficult to read, you can do a Google search with the characters you believe are correct, and the correct location might be displayed in the Google search results.


B Get help with your indexing questions.

  1. Access the FamilySearch Indexing Help page for general indexing help.
  2. Read this article to learn about getting answers to indexing questions.

    FS—What types of online help are available while I index? - 2020

  3. Visit the FamilySearch community page for indexing for additional help.
  4. Learn about known issues with FamilySearch indexing in this article.

    FS—I think I have found an indexing system error or bug - 2020

  5. Get helpful indexing tips in this article.

    RIV—FamilySearch Web Indexing - 2018

C(Optional) Do indexing for records in other languages.

If you are skilled in an additional language, there are resources available to help you start indexing those records.

  1. Access the Handwriting Helps page on FamilySearch.
  2. In the Choose a Language drop-down list (upper-left), select the language you're interested in. The example to the right shows a French language selection.
  3. Study the Alphabet section on the right.
  4. To learn more about characters in the language, visit the Handwriting Helps links on the left side.
  5. For indexing tips and guidelines on indexing records in your selected language, visit the Language Helps links on the left side.