1: Learn about Indexing   2: Get Started   3: Index Batches   4: Improve Skills   5: Collaborate with Others   6: Read Difficult Handwriting   FS Project 5                   Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

Project 5: Indexing

Goal 5: Collaborate on Indexing

Goal 5: Collaborate with others on indexing projects.

You can share indexing batches with others and participate in peer reviews of batches.


A Share indexing batches.

  1. To share a batch with someone who can provide help or feedback, open the batch, click the Help menu, and then select Share Batch.
  2. Fill out the fields in the dialog.

    Click here for an example of the batch code, and remember to add a comma after the contact name in the dialog.
  3. Click Share.
  4. Once you have shared a batch, you can open it later by clicking the Open Shared Batch link at the bottom of My Batches.

  1. For more information on sharing batches, follow the steps in this article.

    FS—How do I share an indexing batch with someone? - 2020

B Participate in peer reviews of indexing projects.

You can sign up to do a peer review of a batch that another person has worked on, to check for completeness and accuracy.

  1. To participate in a peer review, follow the steps in this article.

    FS—What does a reviewer do in indexing? - 2020

  2. To track the progress of your peer reviews, go to the Progress area of the Web Indexing page; then click Indexing and select "Indexing—Peer Review". Note : Only the final reviewed transcriptions are shown in the final index, although all values are saved.
  3. Learn more about reviewing indexed batches in this article.

    FS—How to Review Indexed Batches - 2019

  4. Learn about correcting existing indexing mistakes.

    RT—Demo: Correcting Record Transcription (Indexing) Mistakes—24:46 - 2021

C Participate in indexing groups.

Indexing groups you belong to are listed in the Groups area, at the bottom of the Web Indexing page.

  1. To find a group to participate in, click Find Groups and select Find Groups in the menu.
  2. Indexing groups are listed at the right. Click Join next to a group name to join the group, or click Request to Join to send a request to the group administrator for admission.
  3. To view a Sub Group, click the Sub Group link. There may be additional Sub Groups under the Sub Group you select. To return to a higher level, click Back or use the navigation links (top of the screen).
  4. To search for an existing group, fill in the search fields you want (left side) and click Search.
  5. When you have joined a group, click its name in the Group area of the Web Indexing page. Here you can see a progress chart or project list, read group announcements, or search for members (magnifying glass icon).
  6. To send a message to a member of the group, click Send a Message, click Add Recipients, select a name from the list, type your message, and click Send.
  7. To generate a report from your group, click Reports in the Web Indexing page, fill in the report criteria on the left, and click Generate Report. To download the report, click Download.
  8. To create a group,
    a) Click Find Group and select Create Group;
    b) Fill out the fields in the Group Profile screen;
    c) If desired, click Upload to upload a photo for your group; and
    d) Click Save.

  1. Get answers to FAQs about groups in this article.

    FS—What are indexing groups? - 2020

  2. To learn more about group reporting, read this article.

    FS—How do I create an indexing report? - 2020

  3. Learn more about managing indexing groups in this article.

    FS—How do I make someone else a group owner or administration in Web Indexing? - 2020