1: Get Help (FS)   2: Genealogical Societies   3: Collaborate   4: Help Another Person   5: Publish a Family History   6: JAWS   FS Project 6                     Translation Tips    Music      Print Friendly and PDF

Project 6: Help

Goal 4: Help Another Person

Goal 4: Help another FamilySearch user with his or her family tree.

One of the joys of family history is "paying it forward"—sharing what you've learned with others, so they can move ahead faster in their work. Note : If you are a Temple and Family History Consultant, you can use the Consultant Planner, which has access to more features.


AUse the Help Others feature in FamilySearch.

  1. Have your friend send you his or her Helper number. This number is found in the person's Account Profile on FamilySearch. If the person can't retrieve the Helper number for some reason, you can use the person's full name and birth date instead.
  2. Sign in to FamilySearch and click the Help Others link (upper right).
  3. In the Username tab, type the username and Helper number of the person whom you are assisting. If you don't have the Helper number, click the Full Name tab and fill in the First Name, Last Name, and Birth Date fields.
  4. Click Sign In. The Family Tree for your friend will be displayed, and you can browse and edit the data. Be sure to log out when you are finished.
  5. If you need to change your own Helper number,
    a) Click your name (upper-right corner of the screen);
    b) Choose Settings;
    c) Change the value in the Help Number field; and
    d) Click Save.
  6. To learn more about the Help Others feature, read this article.

    FS—How do I use the Help Others link in Family Tree? - 2020

  7. Learn how to help others love and do family history.

    BYU—Helping Others Learn to Love and Do Family History—54:51 - 2019   
