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Project 5: Help

Goal 6: Publish a Family History

Goal 5: Publish a family history.

Creating an organized and published history of your family can be an inspiration for generations to come. You can publish it online or in printed format, and there are many good examples of published family histories you can draw on for ideas.


ADecide on a Table of Contents for the history.

Be sure to spend adequate time planning, writing, and revising the Table of Contents, as it's the foundation for organizing the work that will be published.

  1. Select the ancestors who will be highlighted in the history.
  2. Select the topics to be included, for each ancestor and in general.

    GC—Choose Your Family Book's Focus
    GC—Creating a Family History Book


BWrite the history.

  1. Steps: Here are 10 steps to writing an effective family history.

    TH—10 Steps to Writing Your Family History - 2019
    RT—Writing and Publishing a Family History: 10 Steps—58:48 - 2019

  2. Watch this video for steps to writing and publishing a family history.

    AA—10 Steps to Publishing a Family History—62:00

  3. Tips: Watch this video for tips on writing content for your family history project.

    BYU—Writing a Family History—24:43

  4. Read this article for additional tips on writing content for your family history project.

    Secret to Writing a Compelling Family History

  5. Copyright: Understand the basic copyright issues for genealogists.

    AA—Copyright Essentials for Genealogists—50:39 - 2016   

    AR—What You Should Know About Copyright And Genealogy - 2012


C(Optional) Publish the history.

  1. Here are some ideas for publishing your family history book.

    TH—Publishing Your Family History Book - 2019

  2. Here are some helpful tips for publishing a family history.

    AR: Publish Your Family History Without Being Overwhelmed - 2013
    AA: Writing & Publishing Your Family History

D(Optional) Build a family history website to share information.

  1. Watch these videos to learn how to build a family history website using the Weebly.com platform.

    Part One—11:23 - 2012

    Part Two—14:12 - 2012

    Part Three—32:21 - 2012

  2. Read this article on safeguarding information as you publish.

    GT—Organizing the Past: Your Website